Kyrsten Sinema

11/29/2023 | Press release | Archived content

Sinema & Group of Bipartisan, Bicameral Colleagues Call for Inclusion of Chips Permitting Reform in Annual Defense Legislation

Sinema, Kelly, Hobbs Statement on Lukeville POE Closure

Dec 2, 2023

ARIZONA - Arizona Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly along with Governor Katie Hobbs issued the following statement on the Lukeville Port of Entry closure due to the border crisis.

"Arizona border communities are in crisis and our men and women on the front lines do not have the resources they need to manage the overwhelming numbers of migrants crossing the border. With over 2,000 migrants coming across the Tucson sector daily, CBP has announced they will temporarily close the Lukeville, Arizona Port of Entry and redirect all officers - who would otherwise manage the everyday travel of workers and tourists that businesses rely on and trade that drives our economy forward - to instead help U.S. Border Patrol process migrants.

"This is an unacceptable outcome that further destabilizes our border, risks the safety of our communities, and damages our economy by disrupting trade and tourism. The federal government must act swiftly to maintain port of entry operations, get the border under control, keep Arizona communities safe, and ensure the humane treatment of migrants.

"Our offices are in constant contact with CBP leadership, Border Patrol Agents and CBP Officers, Mexican officials, the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, and leadership at DHS as we monitor the situation. Enough is enough - Arizona deserves real solutions to our border crisis. The Administration must send immediate resources to secure the border and help our communities. Partisan politicians who parrot talking points while watching the border further deteriorate must reject the echo chamber and work with us to get something done and keep our communities safe."