Ministry of National Defence of the Hellenic Republic

07/19/2024 | Press release | Archived content

The Deputy Minister of National Defence Mr Giannis Kefalogiannis visits the 9th Motorised Infantry Brigade “Andrianoupoli” in Kozani

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The Deputy Minister of National Defence Mr Giannis Kefalogiannis visits the 9th Motorised Infantry Brigade "Andrianoupoli" in Kozani

July 19, 2024


The Deputy Minister of National Defence Mr Giannis Kefalogiannis, visited today, Friday 19 July 2024, the premises of the 9thMotorised Infantry Brigade "Andrianoupoli" in Kozani, where he was received by the Formation's Commander Brigadier GeneralKosmas Kalmanidis.

Mr Kefalogiannis was briefed on its organisation, structure, mission and current activities, while he addressed the Members of the Formation and the Members of the Kozani National Guard Battalions and discussed with them.

The Deputy Minister went to the Holy Monastery of Servia and Kozani and met with His Eminence the Metropolitan Bishop of Servia and Kozani Mr Pavlos.

Afterwards, he had a meeting with the Head of the Region of Western Macedonia Mr Giorgos Amanatidisin the Region of Western Macedonia.

After the conclusion of the visits, the Deputy Minister of National Defence made the following statement:

"In Kozani, a city with great history, I visited the premises of the 9thMotorised Infantry Brigade "Andrianoupoli". I had the opportunity to congratulate the Members of the Formation for the immense work they are conducting to maintain an exquisite degree of operational readiness of its Units. I also discussed with the Members of the Kozani National Guard Battalions to whom I expressed my gratitude for their great and selfless contribution for the protection of the territorial integrity and the rights of our Homeland. For the Ministry of National Defence, the National Guard constitutes

a force multiplier and a solid proof of that is the recent passage of a new legal framework for the upgrade and evolution of the institution, providing capabilities which improve all the factors of the Strategy for the National Guard.

In the context of my visit in the city I met with His Eminence the Metropolitan Bishop of Servia and Kozani Mr Pavlos, as well as the Head of the Region of Western Macedonia Mr Giorgos Amanatidis, with whom we discussed about the region's development issues and the cooperation of the Armed Forces and the Region on fields such as Civil Protection".