Christopher A. Coons

09/25/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 22:39

Senator Coons statement on Senate passage of continuing resolution

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) released the following statement after the Senate voted to avoid a government shutdown by continuing existing funding levels through December 20, 2024:

"This bipartisan continuing resolution prevents a catastrophic government shutdown for our country at a time when the eyes of the world are already firmly upon us. A shutdown isn't just some federal offices closing for a few days. Service members, law enforcement officers, and federal employees work without compensation. Small businesses depending on government contracts don't get paid. Many critical services that our government provides simply stop.

"That's why I'm glad we were able to reach a bipartisan agreement to keep the lights on and stop playing fast and loose with the American people's livelihoods.

"At a moment of increased threats and tension, I am glad to see that the agreement - in addition to maintaining current funding levels - provides an additional $231 million to the U.S. Secret Service to better protect presidential candidates. Candidates for office should be able to freely campaign without the fear of violence, and the Secret Service must have all the resources it needs to keep them safe. I am also pleased that this agreement provides critical resources to facilitate the presidential transition process, a bedrock principle of our democracy.

"While I am currently attending meetings alongside the U.N. General Assembly and was unable to return to Washington for this evening's vote, I would have proudly supported this legislation on the Senate floor. Going forward, I am eager to finish the fiscal year 2025 appropriations process and fully fund our government."

Senator Coons is a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations (SFOPS).