UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

09/26/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/27/2024 01:15

International seminar to present Chile’s progress on cultural diversity promoted by the 2005 UNESCO Convention

In the context of Chile's commitment tothe 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, this seminar will focus on civil society organisations that promote cultural diversity, with special emphasis on the work of the National Network of Creative Territories and the Regional Councils of Cultures, Arts, and Heritage.

"This meeting is taking place as part of the presentation of the IV Quadrennial Periodic Report 2020-2024, which compiles 54 measures and policies designed and implemented over the past four years by our country, showcasing the commitment of the State of Chile and cultural and artistic organisations to fulfilling the objectives of the 2005 Convention. This represents a unique exercise to identify gaps and opportunities for policies regarding cultural diversity. Additionally, for the first time, the preparation of this report included a participatory process open to civil society organisations from the cultural field across Chile," stressed Esther Kuisch Laroche, Director of the UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Santiago.

The seminar, held close to the National Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, will feature prominent international experts on cultural diversity from UNESCO, such as Lázaro Rodríguez, a consultant on cultural policies and the creative economy for sustainable development, and Mauricio Delfín, a cultural manager and social researcher specialising in cultural governance and civil society cultural participation.

IV Quadrennial Periodic Report 2020-2024 (IV QPR)

The IV QPR was developed by a National Committee (NC) made up of twenty representatives from organisations and public entities, including universities, ministries, and professional associations in Chile's cultural sector. The NDC's mission was to identify and present action or policies from their respective institutions that reflect progress on the diversity of cultural expressions. This process was overseen by Lázaro Rodríguez. The work was carried out in collaboration with UNESCO's Culture team and the International Affairs Unit of MINCAP.

For the first time, the drafting of the IV QPR included an open participatory process to gather actions and policies from civil society cultural organisations across Chile. Entities registered with MINCAP's Register of Cultural, Artistic, and Heritage Agents took part. This means the report includes input from both institutions and the public.

Key Topics to Explore in the Seminar

This event aims to continue fostering dialogue on how civil society manages and contributes to strengthening cultural policies. Organisations that collaborate with local authorities tend to achieve more solid results in participatory cultural governance. The collaboration between public institutions and civil society organisations is, therefore, a key focus of this seminar. Topics to be addressed include access to funding and technology, data use and transparency, capacity building within organisations, alliance creation, and civil society's influence in shaping cultural policies, among others.

A key topic that will have a dedicated space at the seminar is the National Network of Creative Territories as a hub for people-centred urban planning. Noteworthy here is the recent announcement of Concepción as a new UNESCO City of Music, joining the already designated cities of Frutillar and Valparaíso. The proposed dialogue will seek to clarify the challenges and progress of these urban spaces as strategies for development through the arts and creative industries.

Additionally, a series of training talks will begin during this event, aimed at civil society agents and focusing on the mandate and functioning of the 2005 UNESCO Convention, expanding on the topics addressed in the seminar.

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