Peoria County, IL

07/31/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/31/2024 09:14

National Pollworker Recruitment Day

The United States Election Assistance Commission has designated August 1, 2024, as National Pollworker Recruitment Day. This day of action is meant to assist election judge recruitment efforts in communities across the country. The Peoria County Election Commission is actively recruiting election judges for the upcoming November 5, 2024, General Election and beyond.

"Serving as an election judge is a wonderful way to give back to the community and meet like-minded individuals. As politics divide us, election judges are needed now more than ever to help bridge the gap between red, blue, and human" stated Elizabeth Gannon, Executive Director for the Peoria County Election Commission.

Election Judges' duties include setting up and preparing polling locations, including setting up voting equipment, signing in and processing voters, demonstrating voting procedures, assisting voters, closing the polls, canvassing, and reporting election results back to the Election Commission at the end of the night.

To be an Election Judge in Illinois, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a US Citizen
  • Registered Voter
  • Meet the physical and mental requirements
  • Be able to speak, read and write the English language
  • Must represent an established political party
  • Not be a candidate for any office in the election or an elected Precinct Committeeperson
  • Not be a registered sex offender

If you are 17 years old, you may be eligible to serve if you are a junior or senior in good standing with a GPA of at least 3.0.

Election Judges will be selected and trained by the Election Commission and will receive compensation of $200 for their work on Election Day. For more information on becoming an Election Judge or to sign up, please visit our Election Judge Portal at or call (309) 324-2300.