European Parliament

09/17/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Support for remote, cut-off areas

Support for remote, cut-off areas


Question for written answer E-001744/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Geadis Geadi (ECR)

In the light of the European Union's interest in supporting remote areas, one of the most remote areas in the whole of Europe is the Tellyria area in Cyprus.

This is an outlying border area trapped in an enclave between mountains, the sea and the territories illegally occupied by Türkiye, all of which makes the day-to-day lives of the inhabitants exceptionally difficult.

The challenges this area faces are enormous, owing to the Turkish occupation, which has led to geographical isolation and makes the day-to-day lives of the inhabitants even more difficult. This complex situation limits opportunities for economic development, impedes access to vitally important services and undermines social cohesion. This means that there is an urgent need for practical support for these areas, to boost the prosperity of their inhabitants.

In view of this:

  • 1.What specific measures does the Commission intend to adopt to provide aid to the areas in question, in order to ensure their economic, social and cultural development, the safety of their inhabitants and unimpeded access for them to basic services?
  • 2.What steps will it take to improve access for the inhabitants of the area to basic services such as health, education and transport?
  • 3.How does the Commission propose to address the problems of isolation created by the ongoing Turkish occupation, in order to ensure the prosperity and security of the inhabitants of Tellyria?

Submitted: 18.9.2024