City of St. Petersburg, FL

07/15/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/15/2024 11:42

Good News: July 11 St. Petersburg City Council and Committee Meetings

Good News: July 11 St. Petersburg City Council and Committee Meetings

July 15, 2024 - During last Thursday's City Council and Committee meetings on July 11, significant proposals and initiatives were discussed and advanced, ranging from homeowner assistance programs to budget recommendations and community proclamations.

Codes Compliance Assistance for Eligible Homeowners

During the Housing, Land Use, and Transportation Committee meeting, the Codes Compliance Assistance Department presented a proposal for a new program to help St. Pete homeowners who may be financially or physically unable to correct certain outstanding code violations. The City would like to make use of $100,000 of unused funding to create a new assistance program that will help homeowners with a household income at or below 100% Area Media Income (AMI) to remediate violations that aren't currently supported by other City programs. Violations like driveway disrepair, accessory structure disrepair, and hazardous tree removal will be supported through the new program.

The funding will also be used to help more residents through the Accessibility Accommodation Program, which helps residents build wheelchair ramps at their homes. Funding up to $5,000 per property will be available. The program will be voted upon at a future City Council meeting, more information will be shared at a later date.

Adjusted Codes Fines for Certain Code Violations

At the Public Services and Infrastructure Committee, the Codes Compliance Assistance Department presented proposed updates to fine and lien structures for certain code violations. The proposed change would adopt language from Florida State Statutes related to code enforcement fines in order to more effectively address specific violations.

The specific violations that would be included are:

  • Junk, rubbish, and outdoor storage

  • Irreparable violations like tree removal without a permit or illicit discharges

  • Short-term rental

  • Unsafe violations that pose significant life safety issues that would not be addressed through the condemnation process but require immediate attention

The proposed changes would introduce a new fine structure that would better deter violations and establish a separate hearing process to allow for more prompt resolution. Under the proposed changes, property owners would still be eligible to apply for relief through the lien release process once violations were in compliance. The program will be voted upon in a future City Council meeting and more information will be shared at a later date.

Mayor Welch's FY25 Recommended Budget

During today's City Council meeting, Mayor Kenneth T. Welch presented the Fiscal Year 2025 Recommended Budget, which City Council will vote vote on in September 2024. Included in the Recommended Budget is the Innovative Equity Project, a new initiative in which the community was asked to vote for one of five potential new City programs to receive a budget of up to $1 million. The winning project, Forward Together - A Youth Crime Prevention Program, was announced at today's City Council meeting. More information about the project can be found at

New Roofing Assistance Program for the South St. Petersburg Community Redevelopment Area

In the City Council meeting, City Council approved a new City program that will provide assistance to homeowners in the South St. Petersburg Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) with a household income at or below 120% AMI in need of roof replacement and related repairs. The Rapid Roof Replacement Program will be a subprogram of the Affordable Single Family Homeownership Program. City Council also approved an increase of the maximum award of owner-occupied rehab assistance through the Affordable Single Family Homeownership Program from $45,000 to $60,000. Note, property must have an active code violation related to the roof.


During the City Council meeting, two proclamations were delivered. The first proclamation, presented by Council Vice-Chair Copley Gerdes, celebrated the 34th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and marked July 26, 2024, as Americans with Disabilities Act Day. The second proclamation, presented by Mayor Kenneth T. Welch, celebrated 125 years of Duke Energy since July 18, 1899, and declared July 18, 2024, as Duke Energy Day.