Alaska Department of Natural Resources

07/31/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/31/2024 02:19

ADL 234322 BBTC Broadband Fiber Optic Cable Easement


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ADL 234322 BBTC Broadband Fiber Optic Cable Easement

Utility Easement Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative

Subject to AS 38.05.850, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Division of Mining, Land, and Water (DMLW), Southcentral Regional Land Office (SCRO) has received an application for a public utility easement to install approximately 4.36 acres of fiber optic cable on discontiguous segments of State-owned, DNR-DMLW managed lands.

APPLICANT: Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative


The requested easement segments will be established near the communities of New Stuyahok, Levelock, Naknek, and King Salmon, Alaska.

•A segment of uplands within Section 1, Township 12 South, Range 46 West, Seward Meridian (see Figure 1.1, attached),

•A segment of shorelands beneath the Kvichak River in Section 27 and 28, Township 12 South, Range 45 West, Seward Meridian (see Figure 1.2, attached),

•A combined segment of uplands in Sections 4, 9, 15, 16, 22, and 34, and shorelands under the Alagnak River in Section 27, Township 13 South, Range 45 West, Seward Meridian (see Figure 1.2, attached),

•A segment of uplands in Sections 4, 5, 8, 17, 20, 29 and 32 of Township 15 South, Range 45 West, Seward Meridian and Sections 4, 5, 9, 16, and 21, Township 16 South, Range 45 West (see Figure 1.3, attached), and

•A segment of shorelands beneath the Nushagak River in Section 32, Township 8 South, Range 47 West, Seward Meridian (see Figure 1.4, attached).

Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) will be used to install fiber optic cable in conduit under the Alagnak, Kvichak, and Nushagak Rivers.

REQUESTED ACTIVITY: Applicant proposes the installation, operation, and maintenance of a buried fiber optic cable for the purpose of providing high-speed internet services to the rural Alaskan communities of Koliganek, Naknek, New Stuyahok, South Naknek, Ekwok, King Salmon, and Levelock. The combined segments will occupy an area approximately 6,336 feet long and 30 feet wide for a total of 4.36 acres, more or less.

A 200 ft. long by 100 ft. wide temporary construction easement will be approved for location and operation of directional drilling equipment on State lands north of the Alagnak River in Section 27, Township 13 South, Range 54 West, Seward Meridian. The temporary easement will expire once construction is complete. The easement, if approved, may differ from that described herein. Nothing herein implies the establishment of an easement on lands that are not owned and managed by the State of Alaska, even if they are depicted on maps and figures attached to this notice.


DEADLINE FOR COMMENTS: 12:00 am August 31st, 2024

Members of the public and interested agencies are invited to comment on this activity. The purpose of this notice is to gather input before a decision is made. To ensure consideration, comments must be submitted in writing and received by the Division of Mining, Land and Water at the Southcentral Regional Land Office, 550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 900C, Anchorage, AK, 99501 on or before the date noted above. Questions concerning this notice or requests to view the full application packet should be directed to Summer Ruane, Telephone: (907) 269-8564 or e-mail: [email protected].

DNR-DMLW complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids, services or special modifications to comment should contact Alaska Relay at 711 or 800-770-8973 for TTY services. DMLW reserves the right to waive technical defects in this notice.

Attachments, History, Details

Revision History

Created 7/30/2024 4:01:00 PM by smruane


Department: Natural Resources
Category: Public Notices
Location(s): Central Region, Other, Southcentral Region, Southwest Region
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 7/31/2024
Archive Date: 8/31/2024