Oracle Corporation

06/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/27/2024 18:44

Oracle Academy participates in Driving Transformation of Inclusive ...

Oracle Academy Indonesia actively participated in the "Transformation of Inclusive Higher Education towards Golden Indonesia 2045 Vision" International Seminar hosted by the Faculty of Engineering at at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)Surakarta, Central Java province, Indonesia, on May 21, 2024. This event, part of UNS's 48th anniversary celebrations, was conducted in a hybrid format, combining on-campus activities with online sessions.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, Acting Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs at UNS, underscored in his welcome address the seminar's pivotal role in advancing universal access to higher education. He emphasized that inclusive education goes beyond equal opportunities to encompass the appreciation and integration of diverse perspectives in teaching and learning. He stressed that achieving Indonesia's ambitious goal of becoming a "Golden Country" by 2045 necessitates ensuring that every individual can learn and develop to their fullest potential, thereby making inclusive education an urgent priority.

Damian Haas, Senior Director of Oracle Academy, Asia Pacific & Japan, delivered a speech outlining Oracle Academy's role in supporting the evolution of inclusive higher education in Indonesia. Damian highlighted the rapid evolution of technology and the pressing global challenge of the digital skills gap, underscoring the need for a proficient workforce and robust technology expertise across various sectors such as manufacturing, retail, and government. He advocated for forging strategic alliances between government, academia, and industry to bridge these gaps, fostering adaptability, providing clear leadership, and creating collaborative opportunities. Oracle Academy has actively participated in such alliances under the auspices of the national government, collaborating with entities likethe Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Communication and Informatika, andthe Indonesian Association of Higher Education Computer & Informatics (APTIKOM).

Oracle Academy remains dedicated to fostering partnerships with educational institutions, offering philanthropic contributions such as free cloud platforms, development environments, and professional development opportunities for educators. Its inclusive programs cater to diverse student needs, supporting learners across degree programs, short courses, and microcredentials, regardless of challenges related to diversity, social dynamics, or economic circumstances.

In conclusion, Oracle Academy believes that by fostering synergies between industry, academia, and government, and collectively advancing inclusive education, Indonesia can secure a brighter future aligned with its Golden Vision 2045.