HACU - Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities

07/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/24/2024 13:58

HACU President to speak before President’s Advisory Commission on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics

July 24, 2024

HACU President to speak before President's Advisory Commission on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics

The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities' President and CEO Antonio R. Flores will speak at the President's Advisory Commission on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics' Upcoming Public Meeting on July 25, 2024, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. EDT, regarding the White House's announcements last week related to President Joe Biden's executive order creating a new White House Initiative and President's Board of Advisors on Hispanic-Serving Institutions.

The historic Executive Order by the Biden Administration created the Board at the recommendation of the Commission to advance college access, affordability and success for Latino students. HACU President and CEO Antonio R. Flores will provide remarks as part of the panel "Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity through Hispanic-Serving Institutions," and will be joined by Excelencia in Education Co-Founder and President Sarita Brown; University of Arizona Vice President for Hispanic-Serving Institution Initiatives Marla Franco, Ph.D.; and Cerritos Community College District President/Superintendent Jose Fierro, Ph.D., who also serves as president of the National Community College Hispanic Council.

HACU's efforts to establish the President's Board of Advisors for HSIs began years ago, addressing the lack of a President's Board similar for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, as well as Tribal Colleges and Universities. HSIs will now have access to opportunities equitable within the higher education landscape and promises to increase the capacities of HSIs across the nation.

See related news on the Executive Order.