
North Dakota University System

12/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/16/2024 13:31

Dickinson State begins presidential search

16 DecDickinson State begins presidential search

Posted at 19:21hin News and Media by ejensen

BISMARCK, N.D. - The North Dakota University System has opened the search for the next Dickinson State University (DSU) president and is now accepting applications and nominations for the position.

The new DSU president will succeed Stephen Easton, who departed the university mid-July 2024.

Co-chairing the DSU Presidential Search Committee are State Board of Higher Education Vice Chair Danita Bye, and Ty Orton, acting president of DSU.

In November, eleven listening sessions were scheduled involving various DSU stakeholders, including community, staff, students and faculty. Following the meetings with DSU constituents, Bye said, "It is clear that the DSU community expects leadership that will respect and promote its core values: integrity, accessibility, excellence, and inquiry and innovation. The new president must have a students-first attitude addressing academic programs, athletics, health and welfare and campus stewardship, while supporting an inclusive culture for the DSU community."

Orton added, "The DSU community wants to see genuine commitment and capability to establish a bold vision and future for DSU and the determination to make the vision a reality. The president must be an advocate for DSU's focus on being a comprehensive public university that provides a sound liberal arts foundation, while upholding the historic mission of teacher education, lifelong careers and workforce needs."

More information about the search process, the advertisement and other information can be found at:

For best consideration, applications and nominations should be received by Feb. 7, 2025. Applications will remain confidential through the semifinalist stage. Following campus visits with the finalists, the State Board of Higher Education will conduct public interviews and make the final selection in open session. The new president will assume office by or before July 1, 2025.