Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

10/08/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/08/2024 06:37

OPCW 107th Executive Council: UK national statement

Mr Chair, Director General, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates,

I would like to express my thanks to you, His Excellency, Ambassador Parral for his continuing strong leadership of this Executive Council and reiterate our support for your chairing of this 107th Session. I would also like to thank the Director General, His Excellency, Mr Fernando Arias, for his comprehensive report detailing this organisation's continuing determined efforts to rid the world of chemical weapons. The achievements are even more remarkable considering the growing challenges presented by a difficult international security environment.

Mr Chair,

The United Kingdom's national statement will be posted online but I would like to take this opportunity to comment on the appalling situation in Ukraine and the UK's response.

Russia used the lethal nerve agent, Novichok, on the streets of the UK in 2018, ultimately leading to the death of Dawn Sturgess. Russia used Novichok again to poison Alexei Navalny in 2020. And now we are witness to Russian breaches of the Chemical Weapons Convention on the frontlines in Ukraine. Russia is making systematic use of chemical weapons against Ukrainian forces, including multiple reports of the use of the choking agent chloropicrin, with complete contempt for its legal and moral obligations to uphold the CWC.

The UK will hold all those who use these barbaric weapons to account. Today, my government has therefore announced sanctions on Russia's Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence Troops and their commander Igor Kirillov, and 2 of their subordinate laboratories, for their role in Russia's use of chemical weapons in Ukraine.

We call on Russia to immediately cease its use of these appalling weapons and to meet its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy has sent a clear message to President Putin - and I quote - that "Russia's cruel and inhumane tactics on the battlefield are abhorrent and I will use the full arsenal of powers at my disposal to combat Russia's malign activity."

Alongside these sanctions, we remain committed to working through this Council and other international forums to reduce the growing threat to international security posed by Russia's chemical weapon use. We reiterate our request to the Executive Council under Article IX paragraph 3 to assist in clarifying reports that Russian armed forces have repeatedly breached the Chemical Weapon Convention in Ukraine.

The UK is committed to supporting Ukraine's fight for freedom, liberty and victory in the face of these inhumane attacks. The UK has now committed £12.8 billion in military, humanitarian and economic support to Ukraine. As part of this package of support, we have recently announced a further voluntary contribution to the OPCW's Assistance to Ukraine trust fund. The UK welcomes the recent OPCW technical assistance visit to Ukraine - delivering vital equipment and training to ensure Ukraine can protect its people.

Mr Chair,

The OPCW remains one of the foremost arms control bodies, fundamental to international security. Yet, the challenges it faces are growing. The UK is fully committed to working with other states and the Technical Secretariat to meet these challenges to achieve a world free of chemical weapons.