ILO - International Labour Organization

12/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/11/2024 05:37

Timor-Leste moves towards Just Transition for all and green economy

DILI, Timor-Leste (ILO News) - Environmental degradation, depletion of natural resources and climate change are global challenges for countries worldwide, including Timor-Leste. This young country has also been facing the environmental consequences of global warming, such as droughts, floods, landslides and soil erosion, which along with deforestation-increasing the risks of the loss of biodiversity and food production.

To promote social dialogue among relevant constituents to raise the awareness on and ensure the Just Transition for all towards green economy, the ILO organized a workshop titled "Just Transition towards Green Economy and Decent Work" in Dili, Timor-Leste from 4-5 December. The workshop also aimed to strengthen the contribution of Timor-Leste to the reduction of global greenhouse gases and policies to address climate and other environmental concerns.

Across all regions, the Asia and the Pacific region has suffered the greatest loss of working-life years due to human-induced climate change related disasters between 2008 and 2015, with an annual average loss of 536 working-life years per 100,000 people of working age.

Ananda Alonso Nacher, ILO's Technical Officer for Just Transition

The workshop was attended by over 50 representatives from the Secretariat of State for Vocational Training and Employment (SEFOPE), the Timor-Leste Trade Union Confederation (KSTL), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Timor-Leste (CCI-TL) and various other stakeholders. These included representatives from the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, the Ministry of Rural Development, the National Designated Authority, the National Environmental Licensing Authority as well as civil society organizations and academia.

"Across all regions, the Asia and the Pacific region has suffered the greatest loss of working-life years due to human-induced climate change related disasters between 2008 and 2015, with an annual average loss of 536 working-life years per 100,000 people of working age." said Ananda Alonso Nacher, ILO's Technical Officer for Just Transition.

She also explained about the meaning of Just Transition. It is process to address challenges related to climate change and greening the economy in a way that is as fair and inclusive as possible to everyone concerned, to create decent work opportunities and to leave no one behind. "Social dialogue is key to ensure the implementation of Just Transition for all that, at the same time, respects people's labour rights and the compliance to labour standards," she added.

Arun Kumar, ILO's Social Dialogue Specialist, explains about climate action challenges in Timor-Leste. 12/2024

Meanwhile, talking about climate action challenges, Arun Kumar, ILO's Social Dialogue Specialist, emphasized that "it is important to ensure that responses to climate challenges do not increase social-economic and gender inequalities that could lead to further marginalization of some sections of society. Sustainability needs to be not only environmental, but also economic and social and for this Just Transition for all is essential."

During the interactive discussions, the participants examined and raised current issues related to water scarcity and the need to address issues on water quality, sewage, drainage and waste management systems. They also discussed ways forwards and the need of strengthening the policies based on social justice, labour standards and equity.

Sustainability needs to be not only environmental, but also economic and social and for this Just Transition for all is essential.

Arun Kumar, ILO's Social Dialogue Specialist

The workshop concluded with consensus regarding the country's crucial need of not only more investments in infrastructure, industry and human capital, but also policies for inclusive growth, formalisation of the economy and just transitions to green growth. The participants agreed that the investments and policies would help increase productive employment and ensure increased capacity of the government to provide social protection and other public services along with economic growth.

"The ILO will continue supporting Timor-Leste in smoothing the process of Just Transition in the country through social dialogues at both the tripartite and bipartite levels that will ensure concerns of workers and employers are well-considered and included while framing policies for Just Transition and sustainable growth," remarked Lita Octavia, ILO's Liaison Officer for Timor-Leste.