SAPS - South African Police Service

07/01/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/01/2024 10:46

More than 967 suspects arrested during Operation Shanela in the Free State

Media Statement
South African Police Service
Office of the Provincial Commissioner Free State

FREE STATE - Partnership policing continues to yield positive results through the multidisciplinary approach of the "Operation Shanela" initiative.

Through rigorous stop-and-search, roadblocks on identified spots and increased visibility patrols coupled with detective tracking and tracing operations, 50 suspects were arrested for possession of drugs; nine were arrested for rape, four for murder and 14 for attempted murder. For possession of dangerous weapons, 28 suspects were arrested.

Twenty-one suspects were arrested for property crimes; 45 were arrested for malicious damage to property; and 107 were arrested for assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

In Virginia, on 26 June 2024 members of Crime Intelligence provided information on two suspected vehicles seen around petrol garages. Three suspects, including a woman, were arrested after an illegal firearm was found in the vehicle they were driving in. The second vehicle, a VW Golf, was traced and found with three occupants, and a firearm was also found and confiscated. In another incident, a vehicle was traced and stopped. All three males found in the vehicle were also arrested after a 9 mm firearm was found and confiscated.

In Rouxville one foreign national was arrested after his bakkie was stopped at the roadblock and while members were searching, they found boxes of illicit cigarettes worth an estimated R12 million.

In Springfontein, two males, aged 23 and 25, were arrested after they were stopped by highway patrol on the N1 and dagga worth an estimated R1.7 million was found in the back of their bakkie.

In Batho, an illegal foreign national was arrested after he was found with an unlicensed firearm. This is after police received information that the suspect might have been part of a group that robbed a tuckshop.

Detective tracing operations as part of the operation "Shanela" also continued and more than 215 suspects not having legal papers to be in South Africa were taken through to Home Affairs for further handling. Thirty-three people were arrested for driving under the influence of liquor, while 253 drivers were fined for contravention of the Traffic Act.

Operations are continuing throughout the province and community members are urged to continue providing information on crimes taking place and to work with police to identify possible suspects.

Sergeant Mahlomola Kareli
