Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation

09/30/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/30/2024 14:04

Embracing Growth Through the Leadership Institute

As a recent graduate of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Leadership Institute, I can confidently say it was a transformative journey that can be valuable to anyone involved in agriculture. Through my time with the Leadership Institute, I experienced firsthand the immense personal and professional growth it fosters.

Unlocking Potential

The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Leadership Institute is designed to help participants develop strong and effective leadership skills. The program goes beyond traditional learning, pushing individuals to embrace their strengths and identify areas for improvement. Through a series of intensive workshops, we gained insights into team building, advocacy and policy development.

The first session included a self-assessment that highlighted my existing skills and emotional intelligence. After seeing the measures of my natural strengths, I'll admit that I was discouraged and even envious of my classmates whose top characteristics included terms such as "achiever" or "learner." However, through the Institute, I learned how to turn my traits into talents. This initial step was crucial as it set the stage for a personalized development plan that guided my future leadership in Farm Bureau and beyond.

Creating Confidence

[Link]Although not actively farming today, I consider myself a lifelong member of the agricultural community. I was born and raised on a dairy farm and continue working within the industry. Despite my background, I often found myself questioning my qualifications and hesitant to speak out whether it was developing policy at the county level or responding to media inquiries. The Leadership Institute offered the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of modern agriculture and lead with confidence.

With practical, hands-on learning from Farm Bureau staff, we were all challenged to create effective messaging and participate in mock media interviews. Later, we dived into the legislative landscape and delivered practice testimony at the Wisconsin State Capitol. I cannot say enough for my classmates who offered encouragement to one another when the nerves kicked in and for the staff who were crucial in answering our many questions.

These were all the building blocks that led to Washington, D.C., this June where we turned our advocacy into action. Amazingly enough, I was less nervous about meeting with congressmen and senators in our nation's capital than I was in our Wisconsin practice rounds.

Building Lasting Connections

One of the most rewarding aspects of the Leadership Institute is the network of individuals you build along the way. The program brings together a diverse group of participants from across the state, all united by their passion for agriculture and their desire to make a difference.

Through collaborative projects and group discussions, I developed close relationships with my classmates. These connections became a valuable support system that will inspire me long after the program's conclusion. The friendships and professional relationships formed during the Institute are a testament to the program's ability to foster a strong sense of community among Wisconsin's agricultural leaders.

The Foundation

It's important to acknowledge that this program is available because of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation. The Foundation was established in 1988 to support agricultural education and leadership programs. Your membership dues do not contribute to the Foundation (although you can find a donation option on your membership renewal). Rather, it is funded through tax-deductible donations and contributions.

This experience has been more than just marking a checkbox or adding a line to a resume. It truly was a catalyst for my personal and professional growth. It is never too late to begin your leadership journey. I encourage anyone passionate about our industry to consider participating in this impactful program and consider supporting the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation to keep programs like this available to Farm Bureau members.

[Link]Kaitlyn Kesler is a Calumet County Farm Bureau member who recently graduated from the Leadership Institute and serves on the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation Board of Trustees. This article originally appeared in the August | September 2024 Rural Route.