UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

03/09/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 04/09/2024 10:21

UNESCO partners with UNESCO INRULED to Promote Digital Transformation of TVET and Sustainable Rural Development

As part of the 2024 Global Smart Education Conference, the TVET Leadership and Management Programme-a capacity-building workshop for TVET stakeholders from Southeast Asian countries-was successfully held from August 18 to 24, 2024. The workshop, themed "Promoting Digital Transformation of TVET for Sustainable Rural Development," was jointly organized by the UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education (UNESCO INRULED), the UNESCO Chair on AI in Education, and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Technical Education Development (SEAMEO TED). It was co-organized by the UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia, China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), and Smart Learning Institute at Beijing Normal University. The Programme was supported by Lin'an District Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, the Education Bureau, and the Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University (ZAFU). The event aimed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices in TVET digital transformation and its role in sustainable rural development, while also enhancing leadership and management skills in these areas.

Opening Symposium

The opening symposium took place at the Changping Campus of Beijing Normal University on the afternoon of August 18th. Dr. Qi Xinjian, Programme Specialist of UNESCO INRULED, and Mr. Rien Chamrong, Vice Head of Office at SEAMEO TED, moderated the symposium, which brought together over 50 representatives from education departments, scholars, vocational school principals, and practitioners from six Southeast Asian countries, including Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

The workshop's opening symposium © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference

During the opening speeches, Dr. Zhao Yuchi, Executive Director of UNESCO INRULED, emphasized the significance of TVET digitalization in promoting the sustainable development of rural areas. UNESCO INRULED will adopt the vision of "Education for Sustainable Rural Development" to underscore the strong imperative and huge promise for educational transformation. Dr. Datuk Dr Habibah Abdul Rahim, Director of SEAMEO Secretariat, highlighted the critical role of digital transformation in TVET and rural development, noting that the workshop provided a timely platform for strengthening cooperation between Southeast Asian countries and China. Prof. Li Yanyan, Vice President of the Smart Learning Institute at Beijing Normal University, discussed the pivotal role of digitalization and smart education in advancing TVET and introduced the Institute's work in supporting rural development through TVET.

Representatives delivered speeches © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference
Representatives delivered speeches © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference

Mr. Robert Parua, Education Specialist at UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia, reiterated UNESCO's vision for TVET and digital transformation to enhance sustainable rural development. He underscored the importance of integrating digital tools into TVET systems to improve training quality and relevance, aligned with UNESCO's global strategy on TVET, which guides members to equip individuals with the necessary skills to meet evolving job market demands and contribute to sustainable development. He also emphasized the good practices of the Chinese government in TVET Modernization.

Mr. Parua delivered opening remark © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference

In the keynote session, Mr. Khat Prumsochetra, Deputy Director of SEAMEO TED, and Prof. Wang Libing, Chief of Section for Education at UNESCO Regional Office in Bangkok, shared insights on empowering rural education and TVET innovation through digital technology, skill enhancement, and the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents essential for rural revitalization. Representatives from China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam also presented their national policies and best practices for the digital transformation of TVET to promote sustainable rural development. The UNESCO INRULED introduced the "Learning Villages in the Digital Era" program, which sparked significant interest and discussion among participants.

Representatives delivered speeches and country reports © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference
Representatives delivered speeches and country reports © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference
Representatives delivered speeches and country reports © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference
Representatives delivered speeches and country reports © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference

Thematic Forum

An important component of the workshop was the "Forum on Smart Villages and Education for Rural Transformation," held on August 20th. The forum, attended by nearly 100 policymakers, experts, scholars, students, TVET school administrators, and practitioners from China, Australia, Sweden, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Mauritius, and six Southeast Asian countries, attracted over 12,000 online viewers.

Forum on Smart Villages and Education for Rural Transformation © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference

Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Director of the UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia, in his opening remarks, emphasized the transformative potential of integrating digital technology into education for improving learning quality, skill development, and promoting decent employment and economic growth in rural areas.

Prof. Shahbaz Khan delivered opening remark © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference

The forum featured keynote speeches, best practice reports, and roundtable discussions on the construction of smart villages in the digital era, the role of digital technology in educational transformation, and strategies for promoting sustainable rural development. Participants shared the latest theoretical research, practical experiences, project outcomes, and successful cases, highlighting the critical importance of leveraging technological advancements to promote educational equity and high-quality rural development.

Representatives delivered speeches and participated in roundtable discussion © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference
Representatives delivered speeches and participated in roundtable discussion © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference
Representatives delivered speeches and participated in roundtable discussion © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference
Representatives delivered speeches and participated in roundtable discussion © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference

As one of the thematic forums of the Global Smart Education Conference, it deepened the understanding of the urgency of rural education transformation in the digital era, recognized the importance of leveraging technological advancements and innovations to promote educational equity and high-quality development, and reached a consensus on enhancing the learning and employability of rural populations through skills education and training to meet the needs of economic digitalization and green transformation.

Field Visits and Closing Symposium

As part of the workshop, 28 representatives from six Southeast Asian countries participated in field visits and learning sessions in Beijing and Lin'an District of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. During these visits, they explored various sites related to education for sustainable development and rural revitalization, including TVET schools and industries. The participants reflected on the challenges and opportunities in education innovation, skill development, and skill transformation in the context of rural revitalization in the digital age.

Field visits in Beijing and Lin'an © UNESCO INRULED
Field visits in Beijing and Lin'an © UNESCO INRULED
Field visits in Beijing and Lin'an © UNESCO INRULED
Field visits in Beijing and Lin'an © UNESCO INRULED

The workshop concluded with a closing symposium on August 23rd, themed "Partnership for Education for Rural Development." Mr. Robert Parua summarized the workshop, expressing the hope that it would further promote international exchange and cooperation in TVET between China and Southeast Asian countries, and advance TVET innovation to support rural revitalization. The symposium marked the culmination of a week of rich exchanges and collaborative learning, reinforcing the commitment to ongoing partnership and mutual development.

Mr. Parua delivered speech in the workshop's closing symposium © UNESCO INRULED

Workshop Outcomes

This workshop concluded with a series of impactful outcomes. Through a combination of closed-door discussions, presentations, group work, field studies, and site visits, participants enhanced their leadership skills in vocational and technical education, specifically tailored to sustainable rural development. The workshop facilitated meaningful policy dialogue, practical exchanges, and theoretical exploration between China and Southeast Asian countries in the fields of education development and rural revitalization.

The workshop's closing symposium in Lin'an © UNESCO INRULED

The workshop successfully strengthened international exchange, academic discussion, and strategic cooperation between China and Southeast Asian countries in vocational education and rural development. Participants gained insights into innovative education models and digital strategies to address the challenges of the digital age, supporting the shared goal of rural revitalization. By fostering mutual learning, building capacities, and developing networks, the workshop contributed to the ongoing efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in promoting quality education, reducing inequalities, and supporting sustainable economic growth.

Participants joined in the workshop and forum © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference
Participants joined in the workshop and forum © 2024 Global Smart Education Conference

As we move forward, the insights and partnerships developed during this workshop will play a crucial role in advancing TVET innovation and digital transformation, ensuring that education systems are responsive to the evolving needs of rural communities and the broader challenges posed by rapid technological advancements.

TVET is a critical component of the Southeast Asian education systems and a critical area of international education cooperation and exchange between China and Southeast Asia. It not only equips individuals with the skills needed for the labor market but also plays a crucial role in fostering innovation, economic growth, and social inclusion. In the digital age, promoting the digital transformation of TVET is essential for achieving balanced educational resource allocation, promoting education equity and innovation, enhancing talent cultivation, and supporting rural revitalization. As we face an era marked by rapid technological advancements and increasing global challenges, the need for effective and forward-thinking TVET leadership and management has never been more pressing.

More to read:

Strategy for TVET 2022-2029


Greening TEVT

Digital Transformation in TVET

UNESCO partners with INRULED to enhance collaboration in TVET and adult education and lifelong learning