Hamon & Cie International SA

06/28/2024 | News release | Archived content

Valorization of sugar cane stillage with John Cockerill Proserpol’s methanizers

June 28th 2024

JDW, a Pakistani family group with a sugar production plant from sugar cane, has invested in a distillery to produce ethanol. Thanks to the biogas produced by the methanizers ordered from John Cockerill Proserpol, the client will achieve energy self-sufficiency for its new distillery.

After investing in a distillery to produce ethanol from the residues of its sugar production, JDW chose John Cockerill Proserpol for the study and supply of what is considered to be the key equipment for the client's new methanization unit treating the vinasses from its new distillery. Each of the 8 digesters will treat a flow rate of 12,000 m3/day and the expected methane (CH4) production amounts to 80,000 Nm3/day.

After the transformation of the sugar cane into crystalline sugar, the pulp and molasses are transformed by fermentation into ethanol and the residue from the distillation of the musts, called stillage, is then valorized by biological digestion. With the biogas produced, the energy needs of the distillery boiler are fully covered and make it possible to produce ethanol without resorting to fossil fuels.

While this is the first project of its type for this client, it is part of a series of projects led by John Cockerill Proserpol in Pakistan over the past 20 years. In all, around sixty digesters have since been supplied by John Cockerill to this country.