City of Olympia, WA

09/05/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/05/2024 11:36

09/05/2024 - Olympia 2045 – September Update

September Update

Our comprehensive plan update is underway. The City is updating the plan using a phased, chapter by chapter approach. All chapters are currently in review. Please use the links below to follow the process and get involved in the chapters you're interested in - each chapter has a webpage with more detail and a timeline.

Here are upcoming public meetings, engagement opportunities, and information sharing updates:

Open House
The Open House was held July 31, 2024. A recording of the presentation and a summary of the comments and questions received can be viewed on the Olympia 2045 webpage at

Public Participation & Partners

The Social Justice and Equity Commission will receive a briefing on the draft chapter at its meeting on Sept. 23, 2024. The Planning Commission is tentatively scheduled to hold a public hearing on the draft chapter at its meeting on October 7, 2024.

Natural Environment

The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the draft chapter on Monday, Sept. 16, 2024. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. People can attend the meeting in person, online, or by phone. If you would like to attend online or by phone, please register to attend at can view the draft chapter at


We have been hard at work on a second draft, which we hope to share publicly in mid September on Engage Olympia. This draft will reflect the feedback many people shared in response to the first one. We will send an e-newsletter announcement to this list when the second draft is posted.

We plan to brief the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee on the second draft at the BPAC's September 18th meeting. The meeting will be online and begin at 6pm. If you'd like to listen in, please register for the meeting here. You can download the meeting materials here five days beforehand.


The Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing on the draft Utilities Chapter on August 19, 2024 (rescheduled from September 16th). The draft Utilities Chapter reviewed by the Planning Commission can be found on the Engage Olympia webpage at The Planning Commission has not yet completed its deliberations or issued a recommendation to City Council but is expected to do so before the end of the year.

Public Safety

The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the draft chapter on Monday, Sept. 16, 2024. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. People can attend the meeting in person, online, or by phone. If you would like to attend online or by phone, please register to attend at can view the draft chapter at
Olympia 2045 is your opportunity to shape the City of Olympia's long-term vision and goals. Through this process we will update the City's Comprehensive Plan and address new or updated state requirements. The Olympia 2045 update will also consider population projections and resulting employment and housing needs, as our community is expected to grow by approximately 20,000 additional residents within 20 years. Comments will be accepted throughout the process and can be sent to [email protected].

Access the latest Olympia 2045 information at, or find background information and the existing City Comprehensive Plan at
Joyce Phillips, Olympia 2045 Project Manager
Community Planning & Development
[email protected]