The Office of the Governor of the State of Colorado

05/01/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/01/2023 15:18

Securing Today & Investing in Tomorrow: Governor Polis Signs Bills Into Law, Including Fiscally Responsible, Balanced Budget

DENVER- Today, Governor Polis signed legislation into law.

"Today, we are investing in the future of Colorado with a strong and balanced budget that responsibly sets Colorado up now and for the future. We are delivering on the promises we made to continue saving people money on healthcare, become one of the top ten safest states, provide real property tax relief, create more housing now, successfully implement free universal preschool, and make bold progress towards achieving 100% renewable energy by 2040," said Gov. Polis. "This fiscally responsible budget includes record savings for the future, combined with record investments in Colorado students. I want to thank the bipartisan members of the Joint Budget Committee for their work getting this prudent, balanced budget to my desk."

Gov. Polis signed the following legislation into law in ceremony:

  • SB23-214 2023-24 Long Bill - Representative Shannon Bird, Senator Rachel Zenzinger

  • HB23-1183 Prior Authorization For Step-therapy Exception - Representatives Iman Jodeh and Emily Sirota, Senator Faith Winter

  • HB23-1195 Automated Pharmacy Dispensing System - Representatives Dafna Michaelson Jenet and Matt Soper, Senator Joann Ginal and Barbara Kirkmeyer

Gov. Polis signed the following legislation into law administratively:

  • HB23-1167 Reporting Of Emergency Overdose Events - Representatives Chris deGruy Kennedy and Said Sharbini, Senator Robert Rodriguez

  • HB23-1015 Taxation Tobacco Products Remote Retail Sellers - Representative Shannon Bird, Senators Larry Liston, Chris Hansen

  • HB23-1030 Prohibit Direct-hire Fee Health-care Staff Agency - Representatives Emily Sirota, Matt Soper, Senator Nick Hinrichsen

  • HB23-1204 Recovery Residence Discharge Policy - Representatives William Lindstedt, Ron Weinberg, Senator Kevin Priola

  • SB23-180 Restore Current Pay Periods For State Employees - Representative Brianna Titone, Ron Weinberg, Senators Lisa Cutter, Mark Baisley

  • SB23-183 Local Government Provision Of Communications Services - Representatives Brianna Titone, Ron Weinberg, Senators Kevin Priola, Mark Baisley

  • SB23-020 Timely Certified Death Certificates - Representatives Iman Jodeh, Ron Weinberg, Senator James Coleman

  • SB23-232 Unemployment Insurance Premiums Allocation Federal Law Compliance - Representatives Shannon Bird, Emily Sirota, Senators Rachel Zenzinger, Barbara Kirkmeyer

  • SB23-185 Sunset Noxious Weed Advisory Committee - Representatives Meghan Lukens, Marc Catlin, Senators Janice Marchman, Rod Pelton

  • SB23-156 Sunset Private Letter Ruling And Information Letter - Representatives Marc Snyder, Bob Marshall, Senators Chris Kolker, Larry Liston

  • SB23-090 Uniform Commercial Code 2022 Amendments - Representative Marc Snyder, Senator Bob Gardner