Shetland Islands Council

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 02:58

Whiteness Primary School receives positive report from inspectors

Whiteness Primary School. Credit: SIC

Whiteness Primary School and Nursery Class has today received a positive inspection report from Education Scotland and the Care Inspectorate.

In June 2024, a team of inspectors from Education Scotland and the Care Inspectorate visited the school and spoke to parents/carers and children, and worked closely with the head teacher and staff.

The inspection team found the following strengths in the school's work -

  • The enthusiastic, happy and articulate children who are very proud of their school and nursery. They feel included, valued and respected.
  • The very effective ethos of teamwork and positive relationships across the school and nursery. The staff team work very well together to reflect on and improve learning and teaching. This is leading to consistently high-quality experiences both indoors and outdoors for children.
  • The highly effective head teacher who empowers staff, children, community partners and families to work for the benefit of the children. This results in children having a strong sense of belonging and their successes being valued.
  • The whole staff team's very effective approaches to meeting the needs of children who require additional support in their learning. They are attaining well and making very good progress in their learning.

The following areas for improvement were identified -

  • In the nursery, involve children and parents more fully in planning next steps in learning.
  • At the primary stages, continue to raise attainment in writing.

Education Scotland's quality indicators for the primary school were -

  • Learning, teaching and assessment - Very Good
  • Raising attainment and achievement - Very Good

Education Scotland's quality indicators for the nursery class were -

  • Learning, teaching and assessment - Very Good
  • Securing children's progress - Very Good

The Care Inspectorate's evaluations for the Early Learning and Childcare setting are -

  • Nurturing care and support - Very Good
  • Play and learning - Very Good
  • Quality assurance and improvement are led well - Very Good

Inspectors will make no more visits to the school in connection with this inspection.

Councillor Davie Sandison, Chair of the Council's Education and Families Committee said: "This is a very good report for Whiteness Primary School and Nursery Class which is testament to the hard work of the head teacher and school staff. I'm pleased to see such a positive inspection report and trust that the school will continue to deliver these high standards, with the support of parents and the wider school community."

The Inspection Reports can be found on Education Scotland's website

Published: 17th September 2024