Mike Huckabee

09/04/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/04/2024 08:04

The Achilles Heel of Kamala Harris

ByKenneth Allard

September4, 2024


We may well have entered a media environment where facts no longer matter, our national megaphones tuned reflexively to exclude anything but fulsome praise of Kamala, the Evita Peron of the 21st century. OK, but is there anything out there which could interrupt the Evita tractor-beam, so that pure reason might have a fleeting chance to change minds? Such circumstances really do exist, even if they now seem unlikely. But they occur only when the American people are scared to death; not concerned, anxious or uneasy, mind you, but flat-out scared spitless.

The obvious example was 911 when America's military might was suddenly and alarmingly offset by terrorists hijacking our own aircraft. For most of us, those same feelings of alarm and dislocation recurred almost a year ago when Hamas committed similar outrages in Israel, killing more Jews than at any time since the Holocaust. On these occasions, the immediate questions run in pained sequence: "But how did they manage that?" being quickly followed by "My God, what should we do next?" That alarming backdrop is precisely the way to measure Kamala Harris' non-existent record of national security expertise. Simply compare her non-achievements to the litany of existential threats now developing from our adversaries abroad. Even more alarming for our one-time Border Czar, compare them as well to her record of failing to deter the ten million illegals now functioning unobtrusively in every American neighborhood. Are they dangerous? Do you think she knows or even cares?

From the time the Canadian-Jamaican-San Francisco ingenue began as a district attorney, the record established by Ms Harris constitutes a minefield of potential explosions waiting to be detonated by events or misadventure. No less a personage than our FBI Director has issued repeated warnings that an October surprise could be a re-run of 911. With the invaluable assistance of terrorist sleeper cells, such attacks could be directed at American shopping centers or even a celebrity venue like the recently-cancelled Taylor Swift concert. No one who appreciates the ferocity and determination of the Mexican drug cartels can imagine that any of their actions - certainly not those affecting basic cartel interests - would be deterred for an instant by President Kamala Harris.

Because she has never progressed beyond the intellectual level of a first-year graduate student, those now preparing Ms. Harris for her upcoming debate with Donald Trump must be having nightmares about the ever more obvious limitations of their principal. If she has been challenged so obviously as Border Czar, then just imagine the lucrative forensic target she presents to Mr. Trump on the more complex dimensions of national security. A born counter-puncher, he is certain to challenge her competencies on the macro-tasks of deterring Russia or China. "Ms. Harris, would you or would you not defend Taiwan, South Korea or the Philippines - and at what cost? Trust me, those answers are not so easy as raising your hand to promise free health-care for illegal immigrants!"

Even if she can stammer out answers to those haymakers, Vice President Harris is a pure lightweight on Israel. Rather than attending Prime Minister Netanyahu's epic speech to Congress, she lectured him privately on his shortcomings. More recently, she advised Israel to stay out of Raffa because "I have read the map," - shortly before six hostages (including one American) were summarily executed in Raffa's tunnels. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/berelsolomon_the-harris-administration-advised-israel//

Her lack of understanding and stature on the international stage usher her into the classic position of the novice - a point Trump will pursue vigorously during their debate. While every policy-maker is forced to choose advisors, Harris is already signaling that - without strong views of her own - she is uniquely subject to bad advice.

That fact has already involved Ms Harris in controversy through the public persona of her National Security Advisor, Phillip Gordon. A pro-Israeli columnist writes that "Gordon's hostility toward Israel and sympathy for Islamic terrorists is a longstanding matter…Recently, Gordon urged Israel to stop seeking victory against Hamas and accept a hostage deal that would allow the Islamic terrorist group to hang on in Gaza and free thousands of terrorists." https://www.danielgreenfield.org/2024/07/kamalas-anti-israel-advisers-helped.html.

Hoping that more enlightened advisors like Gordon might produce happier outcomes, the Boston Review recently opined, "A Harris administration that rejects great power competition with China…that prioritizes justice over unbridled military power, would truly be a departure from precedent." https://www.bostonreview.net/articles/the-harris-doctrine/

Not to mention that it might well force America and its allies to endure what the Chinese call 'interesting times.'

Colonel (Ret.) Ken Allard is a former West Point professor, Dean of the National War College and NBC News military analyst.

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