National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia

10/10/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/10/2023 09:12

Angelovska Bezhoska at the Annual Meetings of the IMF and the WB

Skopje, 10 October 2023

Delegation led by the Governor of the National Bank, Anita Angelovska Bezhoska and the Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, will participate in the regular Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WB), to be held during this week in Marrakesh, the Kingdom of Morocco. The National Bank delegation also includes the Vice Governor Ana Mitreska.

Within the Annual Meetings, the Governor Angelovska Bezhoska and the Vice Governor Mitreska will hold meetings with senior officials of the IMF and the WB, as well as with representatives of other international financial institutions. The economic situation and challenges posed by the several crises in the past three years, the expectations for the period ahead, the measures that are taken through the monetary policy, the efforts to support green financing and to deal with the impact of climate changes, the financial inclusion, are some of the topics to be covered at the planned working meetings with the Deputy of the Managing Director of the IMF, Bo Li, the Director of the European Department at the IMF, Alfred Kammer, the Executive Director to the IMF, Paul Hilbers and the Alternate Executive Director, Luc Dresse.

The delegation will also hold meetings with senior officials of the World Bank, i.e. with Antonella Bassani, the Vice President of the World Bank, Xiaoqing Yu, World Bank Country Director for the Western Balkans and with Koen Davidse, World Bank Group Executive Director representing the Constituency in which our country is a member. Subject matter of the meetings will be the current situation, as well as the global financial and geopolitical developments, and the joint projects.

The Annual Meetings of the IMF and the WB are a platform where the governors of the central banks and the ministers of finance of the member states discuss the world economy and policies in response to the challenges in order to achieve growth, equality and progress.