Claudia Tenney

09/26/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2024 10:09

Congresswoman Tenney Earns Position on Dean's List of the National Shooting Sports Foundation Report Card

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today announced that she was added to the National Shooting Sports Foundation Dean's List for her dedication to defending the Second Amendment in the 118th Congress.

The NSSF Congressional Report Card evaluates how elected officials defend Second Amendment rights and support law-abiding firearm owners in the 118th Congress. Grades are determined by key factors such as voting records, co-sponsorships, committee involvement, floor speeches, and other official actions. Tenney has earned a spot on the Dean's List, reflecting her 100% voting alignment with NSSF priorities and full co-sponsorship of all scored bills.

"As a Constitutional Conservative, safeguarding the Second Amendment has always been one of my top priorities in Congress," said Congresswoman Tenney. "I remain steadfast in opposing any efforts to strip law-abiding Americans of their constitutional freedoms. I am honored to receive this prestigious ranking from the NSSF, and I am committed to continuing my work to defend the Second Amendment for all law-abiding Americans."

"The 2024 NSSF Congressional Report Card is a comprehensive analysis of our elected representatives' positions on firearm and ammunition industry priorities in the 118th Congress. The Report Card's grades are based on key votes, co-sponsorships, committee activity, floor speeches, and other official actions by Senators and Members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Members of our industry are grateful to have so many strong allies in the Halls of Congress," said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President for Government & Public Affairs and General Counsel. "NSSF is proud to especially recognize Representative Tenney as a member of the new NSSF Congressional Dean's List for her exemplary leadership in supporting the firearm and ammunition industry and the nearly 400,000 hard working Americans employed in the industry. Making the Dean's List is special recognition that Rep. Tenney has gone above and beyond to protect and preserve the Second Amendment rights of her constituents and the industry that makes the exercise of those rights possible. We applaud Rep. Tenney for her exemplary level of support."

Earlier this year, Tenney released her Second Amendment plan, highlighting her legislative accomplishments and how she plans to build upon these existing wins to safeguard our Second Amendment rights. View Tenney's Second Amendment Plan Here.
