Democratic Party - Democratic National Committee

06/28/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/27/2024 18:27

Los contendientes a la vicepresidencia de Trump se alinean para defender su peligrosa agenda MAGA en el debate de esta noche Arrow

El director de medios hispanos del Comité Nacional Demócrata, Marco Frieri, emitió la siguiente declaración en respuesta que hoy, los contendientes a la vicepresidencia de Donald Trump se están humillando en Atlanta para difundir las mentiras sin base de Trump durante y alrededor del debate presidencial:

"Los posibles compañeros de fórmula de Donald Trump se están humillando a sí mismos en Atlanta esta noche por una razón: demostrarle a Trump que pondrán su agenda fracasada, sus órdenes trastornadas y su extremismo antes del pueblo estadounidense. No importan las consecuencias. Desde la prohibición del aborto hasta el negacionismo electoral y los ataques a la atención médica, la agenda MAGA que Trump y sus lacayos están impulsando es profundamente impopular. Esta agenda está desconectada de las realidades del pueblo estadounidense y no hay ningúna forma de que sus contendientes a vicepresidente cambien eso. Mientras los aspirantes a la vicepresidencia de Trump corren hacia la extrema derecha para intentar pasar su prueba MAGA, el presidente Biden y la vicepresidenta Harris se mantendrán enfocados en seguir cumpliendo con el pueblo estadounidense".

Esto es lo que se puede esperar de los contendientes a la vicepresidencia esta noche mientras intentan desesperadamente pasar la prueba de Trump:

Negacionismo electoral, encubrimiento de la violencia del 6 de enero y retórica anti democracia mientras Trump promete ser un dictador el "primer día".

NBC News: "Burgum, like other contenders, has declined to comment on whether he would accept the 2024 election results."

HuffPost: "[J.D. Vance] said he would accept a Biden win only if he considered the election to be legitimate."

New York Times: "Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who has been floated as a possible running mate for former President Donald J. Trump, on Sunday refused to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 presidential election and repeated conspiracy theories about the 2020 election."

Washington Post: "Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) was pressed at least six times in a TV interview Sunday on whether he would accept this November's results. He repeatedly declined to do so."

NBC News: "In an appearance on NBC News' 'Meet the Press' in January, Stefanik declined to commit to accepting the 2024 election results."

Laura Coates, CNN: "¿Aceptará los resultados de las elecciones de 2024 independientemente de quién gane, sí o no?"

Ben Carson: "Aceptaré los resultados si se hacen de manera justa y transparente. … déjenme decirlo de esta manera: en las elecciones de 2020 hubo muchas irregularidades".

Abby Phillip, CNN: "Si Donald Trump pierde las elecciones de 2024, ¿aceptarás los resultados de esas elecciones?"

Byron Donalds: "Mi respuesta ha sido muy clara al respecto".

Phillip: "Es una pregunta de sí o no".

Donalds: *se niega a comprometerse a aceptar los resultados*

Daily Beast: "Sen. Tom Cotton Says He'll Accept 2024 Election Results-With a Condition"

The Hill: "JD Vance says he is 'skeptical' Pence's life was in danger on Jan. 6"

Newsweek: "'There was no way they were going to overthrow the government,' said Rubio. … 'I also do not think people should be misled to think this somehow was on the verge of overthrowing the government.' Rubio also explained another reason why the events of January 6 should not be considered an insurrection."

Tim Scott: "El 99 por ciento de las personas que se presentaron estaban allí para ejercer sus derechos de la Primera Enmienda. Lo que dije entonces es lo que diré ahora. No hago daño a esas personas".

Politico: "Elise Stefanik calls Jan. 6 defendants 'hostages'"

Associated Press: "Noem defends Trump legacy, deflects blame for Capitol mob"

Roll Call: "Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas consistently has staked out a tough-on-crime stance during his time in the Senate, but he and other congressional Republicans have sided with the defendants in a Supreme Court case about the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol."

Esfuerzos para encubrir sus ataques extremos y anti-elección a las libertades reproductivas.

CBS News: "Burgum signed into law one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the country, an abortion ban that allows limited exceptions up to six weeks' gestation, and only for medical emergencies at any other point in the pregnancy."

Newsweek: "J.D. Vance Backs 'National Standard' for Abortions"

Business Insider: "Sen. Marco Rubio supported banning almost all abortions in a newly uncovered 2010 questionnaire"

Washington Post: "'If I were president of the United States, I would literally sign the most conservative pro-life legislation that they can get through Congress,' Scott added, regarding a federal ban."

Byron Donalds: "Al celebrar esta Semana Santa y reflexionar sobre su verdadero significado, reconocemos la profunda dignidad de TODA vida humana, desde el útero hasta la tumba. Hoy, @GovRonDeSantis firmó la prohibición del aborto de 15 semanas, protegiendo a los no nacidos en Florida y nuestro derecho más importante otorgado por Dios: la VIDA".

"As we celebrate this Holy Week and reflect on its true meaning, we recognize the profound dignity of EVERY human life, from the womb to the tomb. Today, @GovRonDeSantis signed the 15 week abortion ban, protecting the unborn in Florida and our most important God-given right-LIFE."

WWNY: "Stefanik backs federal ban on most abortions after 15 weeks"

CNN: "[Kristi Noem] defends state's abortion 'trigger' ban when asked if 10-year-old should be forced to give birth"

Oficina del senador Lindsey Graham: "Graham reintroduce la prohibición del aborto cada 20 semanas"

"La legislación está copatrocinada por los senadores estadounidenses… Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee)… Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)… Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)… Bill Hagerty (R-Tennessee)… Marco Rubio (R-Florida)… Tim Scott (R-Carolina del Sur)…"

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Tom Cotton: "Lindsey Graham ha propuesto algo sobre lo que el Senado ha votado en el pasado, que son restricciones razonables a los abortos tardíos…"

Bloomberg: "Carson Doesn't Support Exceptions for Abortions in Rape, Incest"

Promesas de recuperar la desastrosa agenda MAGAnomics de Trump que manipuló la economía para los más ricos y dejó atrás a las familias trabajadoras.

Tim Scott: "Hacemos que los recortes de impuestos de la Ley de Empleos y Reducción de Impuestos sean permanentes".

Doug Burgum: Creo en estas políticas económicas, creo que la reforma fiscal es algo grandioso".

Marco Rubio: "En general, el proyecto de ley republicano de reducción de impuestos ha sido bueno para los estadounidenses. Por eso voté a favor".

Tom Cotton: "Los recortes de impuestos de Trump ayudaron a lograr la economía más fuerte de la historia reciente".

CNBC: "Ben Carson leads prayer for tax cuts at Trump Cabinet meeting"

KOTA: "Republicans are calling President Trump's tax plan the biggest tax overhaul in history. … Representative Kris[ti] Noem was a big part in pushing this bill."

Fox Business: "Trump's tax policies have worked out for all of America: Rep. Byron Donalds"

Vivek Ramaswamy sobre una sugerencia de hacer permanentes o ampliar los recortes de impuestos de Trump: "Para ser honesto, iría un poco más allá, Larry, que eso".

on a suggestion to make permanent or expand the Trump tax cuts: "I'd go a little further, Larry, than that, to be honest with you."

Alabama Political Reporter: "Katie Britt on Monday released a memo with her policy positions … [including] a bill to make permanent the individual tax cuts and extend the expanded standard deduction contained in President Trump's 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act."

Esquivando sus planes de privar a millones de estadounidenses de servicios de salud asequibles, poner fin a las protecciones para las personas con enfermedades preexistentes y destruir el Seguro Social y Medicare. "A finales de 2017, Burgum y otros 19 gobernadores republicanos escribieron una carta al Congreso, instando a los legisladores a derogar la ACA".

New York Times: J.D. Vance claimed the Affordable Care Act "failed to take care of" high healthcare costs.

New York Times: Tim Scott voted for all three major Republican-led proposals to repeal the Affordable Care Act in 2017.

CBS News: "Rubio Prepared To Shut Down Gov't And Default On Debt Over Obamacare"

Press-Republican: "[Stefanik] said she is in favor of repealing 'Obamacare' … 'It's an overreach of government, and it is costing businesses too much,' she said."

Byron Donalds: "La Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio es una artimaña del gobierno federal para tomar el control de la industria de seguros y atención médica".

Associated Press: "Tom Cotton said he supported Senate leaders' backup plan that calls for immediately repealing major parts of the health care law without an immediate replacement."

Washington Times: "Ben Carson: Obamacare worst thing to happen to the U.S. since slavery"

WNAX: "SD Congresswoman Kristi Noem Supports Obamacare Repeal"

Vivek Ramaswamy: "Creo que Obamacare ha sido un desastre".

Defender y repetir la retórica odiosa, racista y peligrosa de Trump.

The Hill: "Vance slams 'poisoning our blood' comparisons between Trump comments, Nazis"

"'[Trump] said illegal immigrants were poisoning the blood of this country, which is objectively and obviously true'… Vance said."

Florida Politics: "Marco Rubio defends Donald Trump remarks that immigrants are 'poisoning the blood' of the U.S."

Politico: "Stefanik silent after Trump says immigrants are 'poisoning the blood' of US", because in the end, he's talking about the country, not the population.'"

New York Times: "Byron Donalds, Trump V.P. Contender, Suggests Jim Crow Era Had an Upside"

Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: "In response to a question from the crowd, Cotton said he believes marriage should be between a man and a woman. 'We have 5,000 years of recorded history on that, and untold years of unrecorded history,' he said. 'The best way to raise children is in a two-person, one man and one woman, stable family.'"

Washington Examiner: "[Kristi Noem] said she had 'never supported gay marriage' and that 'a lot of my faith has to do with that.'"

Newsmax: "Rubio at Faith & Freedom Summit: Marriage Is Between a Man and a Woman"

Newsweek: "[Tim Scott] supports 'don't ask, don't tell,' opposes same-sex marriage, and considers homosexuality a morally wrong choice, like adultery. 'We are by nature sinful,' he said sadly. All these positions stem from what he calls 'timeless principles.'"

Washington Examiner: "Vivek Ramaswamy says 'LGBTQIA+ movement' has become a 'cult': 'It's not about logic'"