Illinois Farm Bureau

09/17/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Illinois Farm Bureau Young Leaders Named Excellence in Ag, Achievement Award Winnerspress releasenews releaseIFB Young LeadersYoung Leader awards


DATE: Sept. 17, 2024


Sierra Henry
Media Relations Specialist
Illinois Farm Bureau
[email protected]

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. - A Montgomery County couple and a Henry County ag advocate were recently named winners of prestigious Illinois Farm Bureau Young Leader awards.

Ethan and Katie Brown, who raise pigs and grow corn and soybeans in Montgomery County, received the Young Leader Achievement Award, which recognizes Farm Bureau members between the ages of 18 and 35 for efforts in production agriculture, leadership abilities and involvement in Young Leaders and other organizations. Winners must earn their primary income from production agriculture.

"Advocacy for our family means more than just having a presence online," said Katie Brown. "While platforms like YouTube and social media play a big role in sharing our agricultural story, we also believe in being active in our local community. By volunteering at county events and supporting our state agricultural organizations, we can make a direct, hands-on impact where it counts most."

Sadie Asher of Henry County was named winner of the Young Leader Excellence in Agriculture award. The Excellence in Agriculture award recognizes Young Leaders who are actively contributing and growing their involvement in IFB and the agriculture industry. Asher and her husband, Shane, are growing a Christmas tree farm and agri-tourism attraction in Henry County.

Asher served as the 2023 IFB state Young Leader Committee chair. She also recently participated in IFB's docuseries titled, "Fields Apart: Rooted Together," which highlights the challenges and similarities between rural and urban farmers.

"The three-part docuseries shows the differences between rural and urban growers and more importantly, the similarities that bind us," Asher said of the project. "In my segment, I talked about the hardships that young up-and-coming farmers face and my goals for the Back 20. Securing land and money is a hurdle for urban growers, just like their rural counterparts.

"Although very different operations, rural and urban growers have common goals: produce safe and healthy food, better our communities, and leave something behind for the next generation."

The winners will be recognized during IFB's annual meeting Dec. 7-10 in Chicago. They will go on to represent Illinois at the American Farm Bureau Federation's Young Farmers and Ranchers national competition Jan. 24-29 in San Antonio, Texas.

About Illinois Farm Bureau

The Illinois Farm Bureau is a member of the American Farm Bureau Federation, a national organization of farmers and ranchers. Founded in 1916, IFB is a non-profit, membership organization directed by farmers who join through their county Farm Bureau. IFB has a total membership of more than 364,452 and a farmer membership of 75,959. IFB represents three out of four Illinois farmers.

Learn more about Illinois agriculture at Connect with Illinois Farm Bureau on Facebook: Illinois Farm Bureau | Facebook. Follow IFB on Instagram @ilfarmbureau or on X @ILFarmBureau.


Photos for Use:

Ethan and Katie Brown, winners of the Young Leader Achievement Award. (Photo by Catrina Rawson)

Sadie Asher, winner of the Young Leader Excellence in Agriculture Award. (Photo by Catrina Rawson)