Guidewire Software Inc.

06/28/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/28/2024 18:35

ElevatEd by Guidewire: Empowering Gifted Minds

I'm excited to share that Guidewire and The Foundation for Excellence (FFE) are launching ElevatEd by Guidewire, an engineering scholarship for female students.

As someone deeply passionate about education and women's empowerment, this initiative truly resonates with me as this scholarship aims to support 50 bright female students from underprivileged backgrounds as they pursue their dreams of becoming qualified engineers.

The recipients will receive financial assistance, mentorship, specialized training, and opportunities to gain insights into the professional world, including the chance to interview for positions at Guidewire upon graduation.

What makes this program truly inspiring is its commitment beyond financial aid. It's about creating a supportive community and nurturing lasting relationships. Guidewire is dedicated to empowering the next generation of women leaders through mentorship, skills development, internships, and career opportunities.

If you know a female student who meets the eligibility criteria and would benefit from this amazing opportunity, please pass along this information to them.

The application window for the ElevatEd by Guidewire scholarship cohort of 2024-2025 opens on July 31 and closes on October 31, 2024. This could be a life-changing opportunity for those who deserve it.

The selection process is based purely on academic performance and family income. The selected recipients will receive a scholarship of INR 50,000 annually until graduation, along with valuable mentorship and networking opportunities.

I am genuinely inspired by Guidewire's dedication to supporting education, underprivileged communities, and women. Initiatives like this have the potential to create a meaningful and enduring impact on the world.

Let's come together to support and elevate future women leaders in engineering!

The scholarship application window for 2024-25 will be open from July 31 - October 31, 2024.

If you're interested in applying for the scholarship, simply click here to submit your details. When our application window opens, we'll be sure to contact you!

About The Foundation for Excellence

The Foundation for Excellence (FFE) was founded with the mission to award college scholarships to students who, although financially constrained, showed great promise in the Engineering, Medical, BPharm and law programs, these being some of the most expensive higher education programs in India. Apart from FFE's alumni, who support future scholars like themselves, donations come from all around the world from individual donors, corporations and foundations.

About Guidewire Gives Back

Learn more about Guidewire's commitment to community impact in the communities where we live and work in our Guidewire annual ESG report.


Applicants to the Guidewire scholarship program must be Indian Citizens with the below eligibilities to qualify:

Academic Eligibility:

  • Only female students are eligible for this scholarship

  • Only students pursuing B.E. or B.Tech courses are eligible for scholarships

  • Only first-year applicants beginning their studies in B.E., B.Tech

  • Applicants are expected to have passed their higher secondary, pre-university, intermediate, CBSE/ISC or equivalent board-qualifying examination after 2020.

  • Admission to professional degree courses or institutions is based on the merit rank awarded at the state or national level entrance exams, or through a counseling process conducted at the state level.

Note: Diploma students admitted to B.E., B.Tech courses on a lateral basis students are not eligible.

Financial Eligibility:

Annual income should be less than INR 300000/per annum

Note: Gross income refers to the income before deductions for taxes or other purposes.
In addition to gross family income, the education and occupation of parents as well as family members including an elder brother(s) and sister(s), the family's living conditions, and the total expenses being incurred by the family on the applicant's education will be taken into consideration for determining the financial eligibility of an applicant.

Applicants who are the first graduates of the family will be preferred over applicants who are the second or third child of the family taking up graduation.

To apply, click here.

Award Information:

If selected as a recipient, the student will receive a scholarship award of INR 50,000/year until graduation.

Awards are renewable each year until a bachelor's degree is earned. Renewal is contingent upon the applicant continuing full-time enrolment in an eligible course of study at an accredited four-year college or university, maintaining a good standing with their university and continuation of the program by GlobalLogic.

Along with the financial award, Guidewire will also provide mentorship, skill building opportunities, networking opportunities.

Awards are for undergraduate study only.

Selection of Recipients:

The scholarship program is available ONLY to female students irrespective of the applicant's caste, community or religion. The only criteria is academic performance and family income.

Selection Process:

Students apply to the Guidewire scholarship program through an online application form.

Once student eligibility is determined, students are connected to one of FFE's distributed network of volunteer "Facilitators" in 27 states. Facilitators meet the prospective student or their family members, virtually, to determine the genuineness of need and financial hardship.

After verification of family background and academic credentials, students submit the application form online along with all supporting documents and requirements for the Scholarship Program.

FFE' scholarship program is based on a reimbursement model as students have already incurred expenses when they first apply for a scholarship (1st semester of College).

FFE does not discriminate based on caste, creed or religion.


Applicants will be notified latest by December 31st, 2024. Scholarships will be awarded to the eligible scholars post verification and selection. The selection will happen on a merit cum application basis. Not all applicants to the program will be selected as recipients.

Payment of Scholarships:

Foundation for Excellence manages scholarship disbursements on behalf of Guidewire, issuing payments in a single installment before March 31st of each year.