Delegation of the European Union to Egypt

08/27/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Speech by EU Ambassador to Tanzania at the Official Launch of the Green and Smart Cities SASA Programme in Pemba

At the launch of the Green and Smart Cities SASA Program in Pemba, European Union (EU) Ambassador Christine Grau highlighted the EU's strong partnership with the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, emphasizing ongoing and expanded support for sustainable urban development in Pemba. She expressed the EU's commitment to improving infrastructure, services, and economic opportunities, particularly for women and youth.

Good morning!

First and foremost, I want to express my deepest thanks and appreciation to partners, local authorities and the community for their warm reception and organization of this event. Special thanks to the Ministry of State, President's Office - Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG), as well as offices of the Regional and District Commissioners of South and North Pemba. I would also like to extend my gratitude to our implementing partners who have been instrumental in making today possible.

My first visit to Pemba is an excellent opportunity to engage with its people and authorities and to know more about this beautiful and green environment rich of natural beauties and cultural heritage. The more we know about Pemba, the better we can work together to achieve our shared goals.

The European Union, as a reliable international partner of Tanzania,has built a strong partnership with the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar supporting its economic, social and cultural development. This partnership is further strengthened by our commitment to accompany the Zanzibar Government in its efforts to promote investments, economic growth and to improve the quality of life for its people.

This partnership has in the recent years also expanded to Pemba, recognizing both its potential for development and its vulnerability. We have provided support in areas such as horticulture, beekeeping, gender and social development.

Today and tomorrow, I will have the opportunity to visit some of the results achieved through this support. However, we all know that much more remains to be done. . Pemba has a fast growing and very young population which needs more economic opportunities (jobs, businesses, etc.) and basic services (water, health, education). Pemba's natural beauty and resources are a big opportunity for economic growth, but are also very vulnerable. Sustainable management is crucial in a context of the impact of climate change.

The European Union is expanding its support to Pemba through the launch of new initiatives under theGreen and Smart Cities SASA! Programme.

This programme will assist the growing urban areas on Pemba Island by providing capacity building, infrastructures and financial resources, enabling them to deliver better services and economic opportunities to their communities, especially to the youth and women.

Three projects arecovering selected municipalities in North and South Pemba, for an estimated amount of TZS 17.5 billion (EUR 6 Million)KIJANI PEMBA, "Strengthening Urban Eco-Resilience in Chake Chake and MkoaniTZS 8.7 billion (EUR 3 Million ) implemented by LVIA, WeWorld and PIRO. The second is PURE, Pemba Urban Resilience through Ecosystem-based approachesTZS 5.8 Million (EUR 2 Million), implemented by OIKOS and AAM in Wete and Micheweni.

Both of these projects aim at improving the social urban facilities, upgrading local markets and public spaces and improving basic services as water, sanitation and waste to poor urban communities in the main urban areas of Pemba.

The third project, INCLU-CITIES - Inclusive and Sustainable Local Economy implemented by ENABEL aims at promoting access to finance, business services, entrepreneurship as well as skills development in selected economic sectors like circular economy, fisheries and seaweed production.

I am very happy to officially celebrate with you all the start of these initiatives and reaffirm our commitment to achieving tangible results that will enhance the work of your institutions, protect the environment and improve the lives of your families, children, youth and women.

We expect in one or two yearsto see schools with better conditions for your children, your communities with better public spaces, less waste, better water supply and sanitation, less flooded areas, better and safer markets.

Most importantly, we want to see women and youth benefit from increased incomes and better livelihoods, accessing new and better jobs, starting new businesses as well as make existing businesses grow and expand.

We rely on your participation and collaboration, you are the center of this work, you are the owners of these developments. Our implementing partners will support you in this endeavour. This is just a start. We are already looking for more partners and more resources to keep expanding and strengthening our support, jointly with all our European Member States, some of which are already contributing through aid and private investments.

Last week I met President Mwinyi, where I informed him about this visit and shared with him our plans. I hope I will be back with him here in one year and with some of our member states to celebrate not only the start of new programmes, but also the realization of some of our joint commitments.

Asanteni sana!