Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

11/17/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/18/2022 01:14

Russian-Azerbaijani talks

Russian-Azerbaijani talks

Signing of documents

From the transcript:


Russian-Azerbaijani talks

17 November 2022

Russian-Azerbaijani talks

Ali Asadov: Esteemed Mr Mishustin, colleagues, I welcome you to Azerbaijan! Welcome. We are happy to see all of you.

You visited the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, today for the first time. You said many nice things when we met. Thank you for these kind words about our country and our city.

Mr Mishustin, I would also like to express my gratitude to you for accepting our invitation and for being here today with a visit to the capital of Azerbaijan.

This is your first visit to Azerbaijan as Prime Minister. I am confident that it will be successful and will give new impetus to the relations between our countries.

Today, together, we participated in the 11th Azerbaijan-Russia Interregional Forum. We hope it will play a significant role in the development of interregional business cooperation between our countries.

Tomorrow you will also have a meeting with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

It is gratifying that our contacts are so intensive.

I note that this is the fourth meeting between representatives of Azerbaijan and Russia in less than three months. On 27-28 October, Baku successfully hosted the jubilee 15th Verona Eurasian Economic Forum, which was attended by a representative Russian delegation.

Azerbaijan attaches great importance to its relations with Russia. On 4 April this year, we marked the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations.

Over the past decades, thanks to the efforts of our Presidents, Ilham Aliyev and Vladimir Putin, our interstate relations have reached the level of strategic partnership.

It is noteworthy that this year, on 22February, we signed the Declaration on Allied Interaction, which took our relations to a higher level.

Today's signing of a number of bilateral documents will be the logical result of our active and productive work. I am confident that these documents will open new opportunities for the enhancement of our cooperation in trade and other economic areas, and in transport and healthcare.

It is encouraging that our economic ties are steadily developing. They are very diversified. Azerbaijan is a major trade partner for Russia in the South Caucasus. As you mentioned, our mutual trade has grown by more than 20 percent over the 10 months of this year to about $3 billion. This creates the right conditions for further progress.

We are also satisfied with the steady development of transport and transit. In this area, we are reliable partners for each other, and thanks to our joint efforts, uninterrupted transit freight traffic has been ensured, even during the pandemic.

The total volume of cargo traffic between Azerbaijan and Russia has grown by almost 22 percent over the first 10 months of this year. Russian cargo transit volumes through Azerbaijan's transport corridors also grew considerably. Since the beginning of the year, transit has increased by 98 percent. The North-South International Transport Corridor is a top priority, and we are working closely with you on ensuring its progressive development.

On the whole, the Azerbaijani-Russian strategic partnership agenda is very broad, and we are ready to make every effort to further build up mutually beneficial cooperation in the entire range of relations.

Mr Mishustin, it gives me great pleasure to give the floor to you.

Documents signed following the talks

The following documents were signed following the talks:

1. Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on information cooperation in the field of combating the legalisation of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in the course of the cross-border movement of cash and (or) monetary instruments by individuals.

Signed by: Head of the Federal Customs Service Vladimir Bulavin and Acting Chair of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan Shahin Bagirov.

2. Agreement between the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare (Russian Federation) and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan on cooperation to ensure epidemiological wellbeing in terms of plague on the territory of near-border natural foci.

Signed by: Head of the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare Anna Popova and Minister of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan Teimur Musayev.

3. Agreement between the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare (Russian Federation) and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan on cooperation in the implementation of International Health Regulations.

Signed by: Head of the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare Anna Popova and Minister of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan Teimur Musayev.

4. Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on cooperation for the coordinated development of checkpoints at the state border between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan and the transport routes to them.

Signed by: Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Vitaly Savelyev and Minister of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan Rashad Nabiyev.

5. Memorandum between the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the development of cooperation in the training and retraining of personnel in the transport sector.

Signed by: Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Vitaly Savelyev and Minister of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan Rashad Nabiyev.

6. Memorandum between the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of the Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on cooperation in the field of shipbuilding.

Signed by: First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Vasily Osmakov and Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mikayil Jabbarov.

7. Minutes of the bilateral meeting between the delegations of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan under the co-chairs of the Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Russian-Azerbaijani state border on 26 October 2022.

Signed by: Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexei Overchuk and Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev.