BCIE - Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica

06/21/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Central American businesswomen will strengthen their capacities in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and cleaner production

San José, June 20, 2024.- In order to promote the formulation of green projects from the MSME sector, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), through the Green MSME Initiative II, with the financial support of the Government of Germany, through KfW and the European Union (EU), signed a non-reimbursable technical cooperation agreement with INCAE Business School for US$133,677.00 with the purpose of supporting MSMEs led by women throughout the Central American region.

Through this agreement, a capacity-building program will be launched for sustainable projects in the MSME sector, in which 50 companies led by women, with high growth potential and environmental impact, will participate. Through a "learning by doing" process they will receive a diagnostic of their potential in strategic and sustainability terms.

The 25 MSMEs in the region that develop the most innovative ideas to continue evolving the sustainability and competitiveness of their company will receive individualized mentoring from INCAE to develop a green project focused on renewable energies, energy efficiency and/or or cleaner production. These companies will have the opportunity to receive training in person at the INCAE campus in Costa Rica, where they will share and expand their knowledge with other MSMEs in the region about the implementation of sustainable practices for their businesses.

The training culminates with the selection of 6 winning MSMEs who will receive a cash prize of US$1,000 each, as an economic incentive to begin the implementation of their project.

The Green MSME Initiative II has joined this project to strengthen capacities for MSMEs with green projects, as it seeks to protect the climate and the environment, creating and offering appropriate, efficient, and sustainable products for the sector with investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and cleaner production.

At the regional level, this Initiative has supported MSMEs, granting more than US$40 million in loans and more than US$7 million in guarantees, protecting more than 10 thousand jobs in more than 600 companies.