11/11/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 11/11/2024 20:35
At COP27, Parties adopted decision 3/CP.27 establishing the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security (SSJW). This joint work is based on the results of a previous agenda item, the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA), which has facilitated the sharing of scientific evidence and technical knowledge on six interconnected topics and two additional intersessional elements within the agricultural sectors: modalities for implementation, methods for assessing adaptation, soils, nutrient use, livestock, socioeconomic and food security dimensions, sustainable land and water management, and strategies and modalities to scale up implementation.
During SB60, Parties agreed on a substantive road map for the SSJW, with a range of activities to be undertaken by the secretariat, including developing the Sharm el-Sheikh online portalfor sharing information on projects, initiatives and policies for increasing opportunities for implementation of climate action to address issues related to agriculture and food security and presenting it at SB61. The SBSTA and the SBI also invited relevant international organizations to submit information on their activities related to the joint work via the online portal by 31 December each year. The secretariat will prepare the annual synthesis report referred to in paragraph 15(a) of decision 3/CP.27 taking into account that information, and to make the annual report available for consideration at the SB meetings in Bonn each year, starting in 2025. Another progress made in Bonn at SB60 in June 2024 was the agreement to hold two workshops over the next two years.
The first (June 2025) will be on Systemic and Holistic Approaches to Implementation of Climate Action on Agriculture, Food Systems and Food Security, Understanding, Cooperation, and Integration into Plans.
The second (June 2026) will be on Accessing Means of Implementation for Climate Action in Agriculture and Food Security, including Sharing of Best Practices.
Parties and observers can submit suggestions on topics, speakers, and formats for the workshops by 1 March 2025 and 1 March 2026, respectively.
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