St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

05/24/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/24/2024 03:03

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography and Roscongress to Organize a Forum and Exhibition to Celebrate 245th Anniversary of the University

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography and Roscongress to Organize a Forum and Exhibition to Celebrate 245th Anniversary of the University

On 27 May 2024, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) will celebrate 245 years since its foundation. From 24 to 27 May, the University will host the exhibition and forum entitled 'Spatial Data: MIIGAiK as Innovation Space' dedicated to this significant event. The exhibition-forum is an anniversary project initiated by MIIGAiK together with the Innovation Space platform of the Roscongress Foundation with the support of the organizing committee for the preparation and celebration of the 245th anniversary of MIIGAiK, which includes government bodies, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, as well as technological state corporations and companies,and will be held on the eve of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The project is based on the idea of developing MIIGAiK as a universal sectoral communication platform where the interests of regulators, educational, industrial and scientific organizations, development institutions, private and state companies of Russia and friendly countries intersect.

Nadezhda Kamynina, Rector of MIIGAiK:

"Together with the Innovation Space platform of the Roscongress Foundation, we are organizing a large exhibition and forum, where more than 20 major companies with leading positions in spatial data will be presented in the exhibition space for 4 days. For the first time not only outstanding representatives of the industry, but also federal executive authorities will gather on one platform. The stands of Rosreestr, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Roscosmos State Corporation will be presented. More than 20 foreign delegations will take part in the events: panel discussions, roundtables, special communication platforms, business dialogue and presentation zones. The visitors of the exhibition and forum will be presented with the whole range of technological developments that are being created today by MIIGAiK University in cooperation with academic and industrial partners."

Among the planned events, the joint pitch session of MIIGAiK and the Innovation Space platform of the Roscongress Foundation, dedicated to innovative projects, is of particular interest. Residents of start-up studios, the STI Competence Centre 'Geodata and Geoinformation Technologies' of MIIGAiK, prize-winners and winners of the Accelerator Programme in the field of spatial data, representing both MIIGAiK and other universities, will pitch their projects. They will be evaluated by an external expert jury, including representatives of the Roscongress Foundation, the Skolkovo Foundation, the Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF), the Rostec State Corporation, and federal ministries and agencies. The aim of the project is to help promising start-up projects find possible investors and partners. Participants of the event will be able to talk about their projects, share ideas, hear feedback on the advantages and disadvantages of projects, and receive practical advice from experts.

"The Roscongress Foundation willingly supports youth and educational initiatives aimed at fostering technological entrepreneurship in Russia. For this purpose, the Innovation Space platform has been successfully operating in the Foundation's ecosystem for many years. Originally created as a communication space within the framework of the country's largest forums, today it facilitates the development of start-ups on a year-round basis. Our joint exhibition and forum with MIIGAiK, which celebrates its 245th anniversary this year, is a perfect confirmation of this. We believe that the participants of the event will learn a lot of new and useful things, get invaluable experience and opportunities to develop their projects. And the best project will be presented at the country's most important business event - the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which will take place very soon, from 5 to 8 June 2024,"noted Alexander Stuglev, CEO and Chairman of the Roscongress Foundation.

During the exhibition and forum 'Spatial Data: MIIGAiK as Innovation Space', the university's contribution to space exploration will be highlighted. Among the outstanding graduates of the university are three cosmonauts: twice Hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Savinykh, Hero of the Russian Federation Yuri Gidzenko, and Hero of the Russian Federation Vasily Tsibliev. The exhibition and forum will include a special project 'Space Odyssey', during which the university president, pilot and cosmonaut Viktor Savinykh together with his colleagues Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of the Russian Federation Sergey Krikalev, Hero of the Russian Federation Oleg Artemyev and Hero of the Russian Federation Roman Romanenko, as well as representatives of the State Corporation 'Roscosmos' and the State Corporation 'Russian Space Systems' will meet with the student community of the university. The space conquerors will congratulate the university on its Foundation Day, share their memories and experience, and talk about the history of space exploration.

In March 2024, together with the Roscongress Foundation's Innovation Space platform, MIIGAiK University and Roscosmos State Corporation organized a special project 'Time Capsule Goes to the Future': after travelling halfway around the world, the capsule with the students' message to future generations went into space. Thanks to participation in the special project of the Innovation Space platform, the Space Odyssey will be continued at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2024.

MIIGAiK today is the only university in Russia that provides comprehensive training of specialists within the full range of specialised areas in the collection, storage, analysis, processing and application of spatial data.

Established in 1779 by Empress Catherine II, the University met the needs of the Russian state in training specialists in the field of geodesy and cartography. During the Soviet times, MIIGAiK continued to be a forge of personnel - engineers and geodesists, cartographers, specialists in optical instrumentation for the needs of space exploration.