ADS-TEC Energy plc

06/18/2024 | Press release | Archived content

ChargePost with PV carport at Netto in North Rhine-Westphalia

ChargePost with PV carport at Netto in North Rhine-Westphalia


The specialist planning office amperio and solar equipment supplier CLIMOVA have been developing innovative e-mobility concepts for the energy transition since 2023.

Together, the two "future power companies", as ADS-TEC Energy calls such new players in the energy transition, are able to provide holistic energy solutions - in this case consisting of a PV system, battery storage and charging infrastructure. Ultra-fast charging is combined with self-generated energy. PV systems become a worthwhile investment, as customers benefit from additional income through the provision of their roof space and can use the low-cost solar power on site themselves. They do not have to worry about installation and service - the operators take care of that.

Battery-buffered fast-charging station and PV system - a perfect duo

A battery-supported fast charging station such as the ChargePost offers decisive advantages when combined with the generation of its own renewable energy. The system from amperio and CLIMOVA on a supermarket car park in Holzwickede (North Rhine-Westphalia) is an example of how added value can be generated and costs saved with the help of a connected PV system.

A ChargePost combined with a PV system - the perfect duo. The "solar charging power station" in Holzwickede is an impressive example of this.

PV system as an opportunity

PV energy is cheap. The electricity generation costs are significantly lower than the costs of purchasing electricity from the grid. The energy generated at the supermarket in Holzwickede is primarily used locally at the existing property, thereby reducing energy costs and the CO2 footprint. Surplus energy is fed into the grid downstream and sold directly on the electricity exchange, for example. This is where the battery-buffered rapid charging station comes into play, as the internal storage system can always temporarily store surplus energy.

The advantages of a PV carport in combination with a battery-buffered fast charging station

The carport in Holzwickede supports a PV generation system with an output of 41.52 kWp. A ChargePost from ADS-TEC Energy is located under the carport. This can be used for ultra-fast charging with up to 300 kW charging power in the dry when it is raining and in the shade when the sun is shining brightly. If two vehicles are charging at the same time, the charging power is divided equally up to a maximum of 150 kW.

An additional rooftop system with a generation capacity of 170 kWp supplies the local tenant Netto Marken-Discounter Stiftung & Co. KG and the Braune country bakery in the partial PV supply model. The surplus energy is marketed directly and sold via the public electricity grid.

New energy management for local supply

Innovative metering concepts using smart meters promise precise recording and billing of energy quantities in a decentralised infrastructure. The integration of several electricity consumers within the local infrastructure is no problem. Surplus PV energy is stored cost-effectively in the battery of the charging station using energy management systems. When charging is required, these energy quantities are supplied to the electric car at high power levels to protect the grid.

When no vehicle is charging, the storage system supports the grid

The ChargePost battery therefore caps the load peaks caused by fast charging processes (peak shaving). However, it can also be used as flexibility for other load peaks if other participants (consumers) are connected to the system. This could be a supermarket, for example, whose refrigeration systems and air conditioning technology also call up high energy outputs. In this case, too, the electricity grid is not loaded at all, but the missing energy is drawn from the storage system. This reduces the costs for the grid connection, which is always based on the largest peak load in the year, and the charging park is therefore only a slightly fluctuating permanent load that the grid operator can easily manage.