Surrey County Council

09/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/23/2024 09:11

Civic Agreement for Surrey – Surrey County Council and universities building a thriving future for all through shared commitment to action

Surrey County Council, in partnership with Surrey's three leading universities - Royal Holloway, University of London; University for the Creative Arts; and the University of Surrey - is proud to announce the launch of a new Civic Agreement for Surrey.

This groundbreaking initiative defines a shared commitment for these organisations to work collaboratively in the interests of the wider Surrey community: ensuring that no one is left behind.

By pooling resources and expertise, the partners believe they are better placed to address local needs, drive innovation, and create a more inclusive and resilient Surrey by 2030.

The Civic Agreement was formally signed at an event in Woking last week (Friday September 20, 2024).

It will serve as a public commitment to working together to bring about real and positive change to the people who live, learn and work in our communities across the county

Details are set out in a 32-page formal document which defines shared priorities, objectives, programmes of work and future ambitions.

All will be delivered against four shared priorities, which are: 

  • Growing a sustainable economy so everyone can benefit.
  • Tackling health inequality.
  • Enabling a greener future.
  • Empowered & thriving communities.

Tim Oliver OBE, Leader of the Council, Surrey County Council said: "Surrey's universities are engines for regional innovation, with a profound impact across all four strategic priorities. The partners are committed to ensuring our residents, communities and businesses can easily access and benefit from our range of innovation organisations, assets, and networks. These all play a part in addressing the four objectives of our agreement, and ensuring that no one is left behind."

Prof. Max Lu, President and Vice-Chancellor University of Surrey said: "The University of Surrey has a proud track record of collaborating with local government and university partners to address issues that matter to Guildford and the wider Surrey community. One recent example is the Games and Innovation Nexus Project, partnering with University for the Creative Arts, Surrey County Council and Warwick University. Other examples include our Centre for Doctoral Training in AI for Digital Media Inclusion, in partnership with Royal Holloway University of London. We welcome the strengthening of these ties through the Civic Agreement for Surrey, ensuring the breadth and depth of our expertise from our Institutes for Sustainability and People-Centred AI, and all our schools, and companies on our Surrey Research Park continue to enable our community to grow and thrive."

Prof. Julie Sanders, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Royal Holloway, University of London said: "As a University of Social Purpose, we want to take a proactive role in tackling societal changes, enabling sustainable social and economic growth, and improving skills and opportunities for those in our community. Our inclusive education and research has a focus on achieving positive benefits for and with our local community, and our collaboration with academic partners, community groups, schools and local government brings investment, jobs and opportunity to Surrey. As well as through the Centre for Doctoral Training with the University of Surrey and its emphasis on digital inclusion, this effort is integral to the CoSTAR project, which seeks to ensure the UK's screen and performance industries have the infrastructure, research and innovation skills to compete globally. Declaring our public agenda through the Civic Agreement for Surrey will amplify the positive role the university can play in the region."

Prof. Jane Roscoe, President and Vice-Chancellor, University for the Creative Arts said: "As a leading creative university, the University for the Creative Arts plays a pivotal role in driving innovation across the arts, technology and business. Through our partnerships with local government, businesses and fellow academic institutions, we are committed to ensuring that creativity remains at the heart of Surrey's economic and social growth. Our involvement in initiatives like the Games and Innovation Nexus (GAIN) project, alongside Surrey County Council and our university partners, is just one example of how we can harness creative thinking to solve real-world challenges. The Civic Agreement for Surrey reflects our dedication to fostering a creative and inclusive environment that empowers individuals, enriches communities and drives regional innovation."

The launch of the Civic Agreement for Surrey is very much the first step in a long-term collaboration that includes every part of Surrey.

We welcome further engagement from community stakeholders, businesses, and residents who share an interest in advancing the shared priorities and objectives set out in our civic agreement.

Details on how the community can get involved will be shared in the coming months.

A video explaining the commitment is also available on each of the partners' websites.

For more information on the Civic Agreement for Surrey and how you can get involved, contact: [email protected]

SCC Leader Tim Oliver with Vice-Chancellors from Surrey's leading universities at the signing of the Civic Agreement

Notes for Editors

About Surrey County Council:
Surrey County Council works for the 1.2m residents in Surrey, providing essential services for the whole of county.

Our purpose as a council is to tackle inequality and make sure that no one is left behind. This purpose flows from the Community Vision for Surrey 2030.

Created with residents, communities and partners, it sets out how we all want Surrey to be by 2030. The Council plays a big part in the joint effort to realise this vision through the delivery of services and through partnerships, such as the Civic Agreement.

About Royal Holloway, University of London -
Royal Holloway, University of London, is in the top 30 of all UK universities.[1] We were founded over 170 years ago to provide equity in opportunity, to transform lives through education and create positive change - doing this with bravery, curiosity and care. We have the courage and conviction to think differently, providing a platform to challenge conventions.

With combined and integrated strengths in innovative education and transformative research, we have a passion to create, teach and share knowledge in both established and emerging areas. Through our impactful research, we seek creative solutions to complex challenges to make a real difference in the world. We are a place for growth. We aim to empower individuals and transform lives through inclusive education, an active, and close-knit community, and partnerships that link us with local and global industry and culture.

We are a University of Social Purpose, creating positive change, for what matters - for our students, for society and for the world.

For more information, please contact:

Press Office at Royal Holloway, University of London: [email protected] or 01784 911654

About the University for the Creative Arts:
The University for the Creative Arts (UCA) is a creative university defined by adaptability and innovation. We're excited by change and difference, and the possibilities they open up.

Specialising in creative Arts, Business and Technology, we help students find opportunities that speak to them, and make the future their own.

We've designed our university to be an inclusive, dynamic environment. Our campuses are places to forge inspiring partnerships, make work with purpose and build real solutions to human problems across the globe - whether that's as part of our vibrant teaching and research community, or as a student on one of our courses.

About the University of Surrey:
The University of Surrey's world-leading research and highly employable graduates are contributing to how our society adapts and solves the global challenges facing humanity - delivering sustainable growth, ensuring the future of Artificial Intelligence is people-centred and pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the ways human and animal health interact to identify and solve the problems of the future. Working across disciplines and in global partnerships, we're focused on helping people and societies live better, more sustainable lives.

[email protected]

[1] The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide, 2024

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