
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan

09/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/28/2024 12:09



Dear Mr. President,

Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, allow me to convey greetings and best wishes of peace and prosperity from the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, H.E. Shavkat Mirziyoyevto the United Nations leadership, heads of state, and delegations participating at the 79th Session of the General Assembly.

Let me also express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to address this esteemed assembly.

I would like to thank the UNSecretary GeneralMr. AntónioGuterresfor his firm focus on Central Asia. This was once again confirmed by his recent visit to our region, which laid a solid foundation for further expanding cooperation with the United Nations.

Our debates are taking place at a time of escalating global challenges.

Wars and conflicts, triple planetary climate crisis, worsening of the world economy and technological gap are affecting all countries without exception.

We firmly believe that the United Nationsmust remain central in addressing the challenges of the 21st century.


Resolving global issues at the national level is crucial for maintaining stability and the well-being and prosperity of our people.

In this context, achieving the Sustainable Development Goalsis very important.

The consistent implementation of the SDGs has been identified by the President of our country as the cornerstone of Uzbekistan's state policy.

Our "Uzbekistan - 2030" Development Strategy is fully aligned with SDGs.

In recent years, Uzbekistanhas made significant progress in poverty reduction, improving public access to education, transitioning to a greeneconomy, and promoting gender equality.

Our GDP has more than doubled, and the poverty rate has fallen almost
4times in less than 10years. We are taking solid steps to create jobs and improve the quality of human capital with the aim to reduce the unemployment rate from 11% to 7%.

Full-scale implementation of the SDGsis impossible without attracting investments and advanced technologies. Uzbekistanis actively pursuing these goals, leveraging our state resources and private sector.

However, many developing countries face challenges in accessing global financial resources.

We share the view to reform the international financial system to establish a modern financial architecture.


Humanity's future is closely linked to the development and application of modern technologies.

New scientific advancements should bring people and nations closertogether, not separate them.

We proceed from the principle that access to technology is not a privilege, but a right for every person and every nation.

Digital technologies are especially crucial. We have adopted the "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030" Strategy. We are rapidly advancing our ITsector.

Yet, there is another side of the coin. Rise of the digital technologies presents newchallenges, particularly concerning the uncontrolled use of artificial intelligence.

Based on this idea, at the previous session, Uzbekistansupported and co-sponsoredUNGeneral Assemblyresolutions on utilizing safe artificial intelligence for sustainable development and strengthening international cooperation.

We will continue to advocate for broad international collaboration to address these issues.


Last year was one of the hottest in the history of meteorological observations. We have witnessed record-breaking heat and extreme cold conditions worldwide.

This once again proves the growing urgency of the climate change problem.

Central Asiais among the most exposed and vulnerable regions of the world to climate change.

The air temperature in Central Asiais rising faster than the global average.

This creates a wide range of problems, which pose serious risks to food and energy security.

Thus, the level of water availability per capita in Central Asiahas halved over the past few decades (from 3,500 cubic meters to 1,630).

The Aral Sea disaster continues to have an extremely negative impact on the ecosystems of all states in the region.

We call on the international donor community to expand projects in the Aral Searegion aimed at mitigating the devastating consequences of this disaster.

The Aral Seabecame the firstregion in the world to be granted by the UNthe status of a Zone of Environmental Innovation and Technology.

Our best experience could benefit other countries facing similar problems.

Central Asiancountries are unified on climate action.

Last December, at the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan, the General Assemblyby consensus adopted the resolution "Central Asia in the face of environmental problems: strengthening regional solidarity for sustainable development and prosperity."

We also developed a Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and established a Climate Council to create a national climate change program.

At the same time, we are aware of the need for broad international cooperation to effectively overcome these challenges.

In this regard, we propose to adopt the UNresolution "International Year of Land Restoration and Increasing Drought Resistance."


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our updated Constitution sets ambitious goals for building a welfare state.

Uzbekistanis committed to enhancing social protection, improving service quality, and implementing international standards.

For this purpose, we have established the Social Protection Agency.
We plan to hold the World Conferenceon "Social Protection" in 2025.
We invite all UNMember States to this important event.


Empowering women and girls is a key component of our state policy.

Uzbekistanhas made notable progress in ensuring gender equality, ranking among the top five countries in this regard.

The Asian Women's Forumheld in Samarkandin partnership with UN-Womenhas become a crucial platform for dialogue on gender policy issues.

We propose expanding this forum to a Global Women's Forum and adopting the UN resolution on enhancing the social, economic and political activities of Asian women.


Youth represents our common future. In Uzbekistan, where over half of the population is under 30, effective youth policy is vital to build a New Uzbekistan.

We are a global leader in implementing the UN Youth Strategy 2030.

However, the rising radicalization and increased violence involving youth is alarming.

We must focus on fostering proper spiritual and moral education of young people to prevent their involvement in radical movements.

We propose enhanced cooperation in this direction based on the UNGeneral Assemblyresolution "Enlightenment and Religious Tolerance" adopted at the initiative of our President in 2018.


The global threat of terrorismrequires unified international action.

In the fight against this evil, there should be no place for selective approaches and double standards.

The Central Asian states maintain close cooperation in ensuring regional security.

Together with the UNCounter-TerrorismOfficewe have successfully launched the Regional Expert Council inCentral Asiaon Rehabilitation and Reintegration.

We appreciate the UN'sassistance in developing the National Strategy of Uzbekistan to CombatDrugTrafficking andDrugAbuse for2024-2028.


As a State Party to the United Nations Conventionagainst Corruption, Uzbekistan welcomes anti-corruption efforts.

We support enhancing the role of the UNin fostering international cooperation against corruption.

In December last year, together with the State of Qatarand support of the UNODC, we have hosted the High-level International Anti-Corruption Award ceremony in Tashkent.


In recent years, our country has become an active participant of all UN processes.

For the firsttime in our history, we have joined the UN Human Rights Committee, ECOSOC, and the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization.

In 2025, we will host the 43rd session of the UNESCOGeneral Conference in Samarkand- an event that will be held outside of Parisfor the first time since 1985.

We invite all UNESCOmember states to actively participate in this event.

We have decided to run for the non-permanent membership of the UN Security Councilfor the 2035-2036 terms.

We count on your support of our candidacy.


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Central Asia remains top priority in Uzbekistan'sforeign policy.

The new political atmosphere in Central Asiaallowed us to address many global issues regionally.

We will continue to consolidate our efforts to transform the region into a zone of lasting peace, good-neighborliness, stability, and dynamic development.


Our region remains one of the least integrated economies in the world in terms of its transport and communication networks.

Due to the geographical location of the Central Asia, the cost of transporting goods to the nearest seaports can reach upto50% of the final value, which is fourto fivetimes higher than the global average.

Today, our region is firmly focused on connecting to major global markets and revitalizing the Great Silk Road. Uzbekistan is taking strong steps to establish effective transport corridors leading to international markets.

We are implementing an ambitious project to build the Trans-Afghan railway, which will provide access to global ports and have a positive effect on the economic development of our vast region.


The key to ensuring stability and sustainable development in our region lies in addressing the Afghanproblem.

Afghanistanis an integral part of Central Asia.

Unfortunately, the international community has been unable to implement measures capable of reversing the challenging situation in this country.

Uzbekistanis pursuing a pragmatic policy towards Afghanistan.

We will continue to contribute to Afghanistan'seconomic reconstruction and the development of its transport and energy infrastructure.

We are ready to expand the Educational center for Afghan citizens in the Uzbekcity of Termezinto the Global training center.

Recently, we have established the TermezInternational Trade Center, designed to foster a favorable business environment and enhance logistics.

In order to achieve stability, it is crucial to uphold the UN's central role
in resolving the Afghanissue and developing coordinated strategies to ensure sustainable development.

Your Excellencies,

In conclusion, I would like to once again emphasize that the challenges and threats we face today can only be addressed through comprehensive international efforts.

Uzbekistanremains committed to actively participating in shaping the agenda for multilateral cooperation, achieving common goals, and supporting measures to reinforce the central role of the United Nations.

Thank you for your attention.