UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

09/27/2024 | News release | Archived content

UNESCO's Global Skills Academy Spotlight Session at WorldSkills Conference 2024

The session gathered key stakeholders, policy makers, and industry leaders to explore the transformative power of skills development in our increasingly digital world, aligning with the WorldSkills Conference 2024 mission to move TVET to the top of the global agenda.

Building Skills for Tomorrow

A high-level exchange on "Building Skills for Tomorrow" featured Mr Buti Manamela, Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training of South Africa, and Mr Borhene Chakroun, Director of the Division for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems at UNESCO. This resulted in an engaging dialogue on skills development, exploring strategies for preparing young people to thrive in a rapidly evolving job market.

Both panelists emphasized the urgency of addressing skills gaps in the face of rapid technological, economic, and societal changes driven by digital transformation and artificial intelligence. UNESCO's Global Skills Academy (GSA) plays a critical role in addressing these challenges by providing targeted skills development programs tailored to the digital and AI-driven economy.

As of December 2023, the initiative has supported over 850,000 learners across more than 60 countries, with support from its key partners. The GSA plays a crucial role in advancing SDGs 4 and 8 by equipping youth with essential skills for a sustainable future.

Innovative contributions to youth skills development - testimonials from GSA Key Partners

Key GSA partners presented their innovative contributions to youth skills development and reaffirmed their commitment to continuing their work with the GSA.

IBM showcased its SkillsBuild programme, offering free courses in up to 20 languages on topics such as AI ethics, machine learning, and generative AI. Ms Kate Ross, from IBM's Partnerships and Programs, presented the initiative, highlighting that 60% of workers will require additional training by 2027. SkillsBuild provides customized practical learning experiences for high school students, educators, academia students, faculty, and adult learners. The program offers accessible workplace skills and training on technological hot topics including Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics and Sustainability.

The company pledged to expand its course offerings and reach more learners through the GSA initiative.

Huawei introduced its ICT Academy Digital Skills Learning platform, presented by Mr Pallavi Malhotra, Director for Huawei Talent Alliance, Western Europe, CEE & Nordic Regions.

Since the launch of the collaboration between GSA and Huawei, it has rapidly committed to developing and expanding its educational offerings. The collaborative platform, an open online learning platform for teachers and students of UNEVOC, and lifelong learners, offers 157 customized courses for academia, with over 250 free courses in five languages (Arabic, English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese), covering AI, data management, and app development.

Notably, more than 69 of these courses are available in minority languages, aligning with GSA's commitment to inclusive education.

Microsoft, represented by Ms Béatrice Matlega, Director of Educational Partnerships and Programs in France, shared its educational partnerships aligning with GSA initiative.

Her presentation on "AI Skills in the Classroom: Transforming Teaching and Learning" highlighted how AI aptitude is becoming increasingly important across different roles and industries.

Microsoft introduced its Library of AI Skills for Educators and existing training resources, reinforcing the importance of industry-academia collaboration in preparing youth for the future workforce. The company committed to enhancing its offerings with a focus on cloud computing, cybersecurity skills and more alongside GSA.

Call for action: join forces to support youth skills development

The event discussed the growing demand for digital and AI skills across various industries. According to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report 2023, 44% of workers' skills are expected to be disrupted in the next five years, highlighting the critical need for continuous upskilling and lifelong learning programs.

Mr Hervé Huot-Marchand, Chief of the Section of Youth, Literacy and Skills Development at UNESCO, concluded the session by saying: "Our joint efforts, by GSA and all stakeholders, align perfectly with the UNESCO Strategy for TVET 2022-2029, aiming to transform Technical and Vocational Education and Training for successful and just transitions". He encouraged to turn the insights gained during the Session at WorldSkills Conference 2024 into tangible actions that will shape the future of skills development worldwide, particularly for our youth.

The GSA Spotlight Session at WorldSkills 2024 reaffirmed UNESCO's commitment to foster a more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable future through innovative skills development initiatives. As the world continues to evolve, the Global Skills Academy stands ready to equip the next generation with the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly digital and AI-driven global economy.

In light of the addressing need for comprehensive skills development, the Global Skills Academy issued a call to action for all stakeholders - governments, educational institutions, private sector companies, and civil society organizations - to join forces in supporting youth skills development. The GSA emphasized that collaborative efforts are crucial to bridging the skills gap and ensuring that young people worldwide have access to quality training and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

The Global Skills Academy

© WorldSkills

UNESCO's Global Skills Academy (GSA)aims to support 10 million youth and adults worldwide in building skills for improved employability and resilience by 2029. As of December 2023, the GSA has supported over 850,000 learners across more than 60 countries.

Aligned with the 2022-2029 UNESCO Strategy for TVET: Transforming TVET for successful and just transitions, the GSA analyzes skills supply and demand of the fast-evolving labor market, offers free training and mentorship programs, empowers learners with digital, green, and entrepreneurial skills, and support their journeys toward improved employability, life and resilience.