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09/18/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/18/2024 05:01

I Tested 2024’s 6 Best AI Scheduling Assistants, Here’s What I Found

I Tested 2024's 6 Best AI Scheduling Assistants, Here's What I Found

Published: September 18, 2024

Scheduling is easy until you get stuck between multiple teams, projects, and clients' time zones. At that moment, it turns into a pain in the neck. I experienced this firsthand, adding the fifth time zone to my Google Calendar and double-booking meetings or apologizing for being late every now and then ... Which is so out of character for me.

After that, I had free and paid Calendly, tested lemcal, and four more tools. Which AI scheduler is my favorite and why? Find out below, plus different features and tools you can look for, too.

Spoiler: I still have five time zones in my calendar.

Table of Contents

What Is an AI Scheduling Assistant?

An AI scheduling assistant uses artificial intelligence to manage your calendar. It automates tasks like setting up meetings, sending reminders, and rescheduling.

The best part is how it easily manages time zone changes using built-in algorithms to detect and convert hours.

It identifies participants' time zones by accessing their calendar data and location information. Then, it calculates the correct time for each participant's time zone and updates the event accordingly, ensuring that all parties see the meeting at the appropriate local time. The system also accounts for changes like Daylight Saving Time to maintain accuracy.

AI schedulers learn your preferences and get a sense of what your days are like.

For instance, if it notices you prefer morning meetings or need to avoid scheduling during your lunch hour, it will automatically suggest times that fit those patterns.

AI schedulers handle the scheduling nightmare so you can focus on more important and productive things.

How to schedule meetings with the HubSpot scheduling tool

Why Use AI for Scheduling?

In essence, with AI scheduling tools, you can get a lot - really a lot - done. Automatically. I think this is the best part, which translates into the four other "whys" below.

1. Saves Time

AI scheduling assistants save time and reduce stress. Instead of dealing with endless email threads to coordinate meeting times, AI takes care of that for you.

For example, here's what Caryl O., who runs a small business with fewer than 50 employees, shared on G2 about lemcal scheduler:

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Another proof that these tools really save time is Atlassian's use of the Calendly scheduling option.

Before adopting Calendly, Atlassian struggled with inconsistent customer experiences and inefficient handoffs between departments.

Calendly improved its scheduling process by automating time zone conversions, cutting out the back-and-forth of email scheduling, and reducing conflicts and errors.

This improvement increased customer satisfaction and saved 10 to 15 minutes per meeting.

2. Increases Productivity

AI scheduling assistants aren't just for meetings. They can also help you manage your tasks and daily routine. I often joke that it's my personal assistant who knows my schedule better than I do.

It suggests optimal times to tackle projects and set reminders. And, of course, this ultimately leads to increased productivity.

I watched a great video by Archer Newton on this topic, and he suggests that for a successful calendar, you need two things:

  1. Events blocked into it.
  2. Time blocks for non-negotiable events and tasks.

This means that when you're going through your day, you'll know what's coming up and be prepared. You'll also quickly realize how missing a task one day affects the rest of the week.

Archer continues, "One of the most important things is to rely on your calendar and make it part of your system. If you put some things on the calendar but then put them elsewhere, you'll forget about it. Combining your calendar with a to-do list is okay, but it's more complicated. As long as you have non-negotiable events on your calendar, you'll see how much time you actually have and can schedule appropriately."

3. Balances Work and Hobbies

Using AI for scheduling isn't just about getting more done at work - it also helps me make time for things I love.

So, my AI scheduler doesn't just handle my writing deadlines - it also blocks out time for my yoga classes and mountain hikes. It looks at my workload and suggests the best times for me to practice yoga, making sure I'm relaxed and ready for writing.

Here's a great breakdown of how AI picks the perfect times, straight from the Reclaim AI co-founder:

[Video: What is Smart scheduling app for your calendar ✨ ]

It works like this: You drag and drop these items in a Kanban-style interface to rank their importance, so the high-priority tasks get the necessary time slots.

The AI constantly adapts to changes in your schedule. For instance, if there's a new meeting or something needs to be rescheduled, the AI shifts other calendar items accordingly. It might shorten the lunch breaks or move tasks to avoid conflicts. Magic

Basically, it suggests times based on the context, like when you're most likely to be free. It also respects existing commitments, recognizing when to skip or adjust items. For example, it can move a task to a different time slot if a meeting overlaps with its scheduled time.

For my mountain trips, the AI keeps track of my free weekends and reminds me to book my trips in advance. This way, I can enjoy my hobbies without worrying about my work piling up.

4. Reduces Human Errors

AI scheduling tools are great at minimizing errors and preventing overlaps in your calendar, too. You get real-time updates and automated conflict resolution.

Let's say you schedule a meeting that overlaps with another event. The AI will immediately alert you and suggest alternative times. It keeps your calendar error-free and ensures you don't double-book yourself.

AI also handles details like time zones and meeting durations accurately. I'm coordinating with people in different time zones, and AI adjusts for those differences automatically. Now, I never end up with timing mix-ups.

HubSpot's Free Meeting Scheduler

Schedule meetings faster and forget the back-and-forth emails. Your calendar stays full, and you stay productive.

  • Let prospects book a meeting time
  • Book more meetings and appointments
  • Sync with Google and Office 365 Calendar
  • And more!

AI Scheduling Assistants: Features to Look For

When picking an AI scheduling assistant, it's crucial to know what really matters. Here's a look at what influenced my decision and the features I considered before starting my search.

Seamless Integration and Time Zone Management

The tools should connect with different calendar platforms (Google Calendar, in my case) and team collaboration tools (Slack + Monday and Asana) for smooth scheduling. Make sure any software you look at will integrate seamlessly with your tech stack and CRM.

Also, it must automatically adjust for different time zones and provide clear time zone information. It should let me set preferences for meeting times, durations, and locations according to my needs.

User-Friendly Interface and Multi-Participant Coordination

The interface should be intuitive and easy to use, managing scheduling for multiple attendees efficiently. I think it should also help check group availability and reach a consensus.

Automated Reminders, Follow-ups, and Rescheduling

I'd like the tool to send automated reminders for upcoming meetings and follow-up notifications afterward. It should also track and report on scheduling trends and productivity metrics.

The tool needs to handle rescheduling and cancellations on its own. And if a meeting is rescheduled or canceled, I want it to notify all participants through email or other preferred channels (Slack in my case).

Privacy and Security

What's super important to me is security with strong encryption. The platform should comply with privacy regulations to safeguard my information. I look for features like regular security updates, transparent data handling practices, and compliance with standards such as GDPR or CCPA.


And finally, I want to get value for my money. This means finding a tool that fits within my budget while still offering the features I need. I'll look for transparent pricing and assess whether the cost aligns with the benefits provided. Plus, the tool must come with a free trial. I want to test it before I commit.

How I Tested the 6 Best AI Scheduling Assistants

1. I tested how easy or complicated the initial setup was. I paid attention to how quickly everything synced with my Google Calendar and if any hiccups occurred.

2. Next, I explored the user interface of each assistant. I looked for how intuitive the design was and how easily I could find key features. I wanted to see how quickly I could schedule meetings, manage my calendar, and perform other tasks. I made a note of any features that were particularly user-friendly or, conversely, confusing.

3. I tested each assistant's ability to handle various scheduling scenarios. I set up one-on-one appointments and group meetings to see how well the assistant proposed times and resolved conflicts. I also checked how easily it adapted to changes in my schedule, like rescheduling or canceling meetings.

4. I dug into the advanced AI capabilities of each tool. I looked at how well the AI suggested meeting times, resolved conflicts, and understood my verbal or written instructions. How accurately could the AI handle my preferences and constraints?

5. I tested how well each tool facilitated collaboration. I invited colleagues and clients to meetings through the assistant and checked how easily they could interact with the scheduling process. I also took into account how it works with shared calendars and how it handles different time zones.

6. I assessed how each assistant managed notifications and reminders. I checked the timing and relevance of reminders for upcoming meetings and how customizable these notifications were.

7. I took a close look at the customer support and help resources available for each tool. I tested response times and the quality of support provided. Also, I checked for the availability of guides or tutorials to see if help was readily accessible when needed.

8. I compared the prices of each assistant to see if the features were worth it. I checked what each tier included and if they offered free trials or refunds.

6 Best AI Scheduling Assistants

After testing so many of them, I found six as my top choices. Let's now jump into the best scheduling assistants on the market right now. I'll break down their features, pricing, and what sets them apart. And, of course, I'll share my hands-on experience with each.

1. Calendly

Calendly is one of the most popular scheduling apps out there, and it got even better with its recent AI integration. It syncs with different calendars, so all you need to do is set your schedule, and it'll keep you from double-booking.


  • Simple setup and user-friendly interface.
  • Connects with Google, Outlook, and Office 365 calendars.
  • Event type editor allows you to adjust key settings like event details (name, duration, location), host management, scheduling preferences (date range, availability, buffers), and notifications.
  • Automatically adjusts for time zones and allows for buffer times between meetings.
  • Supports round-robin scheduling for teams.


  • Free: Basic scheduling for individuals with limited features.
  • Standard ($12 per month/user): Advanced scheduling, integrations, and support.
  • Teams ($20 per month/user): Team features, Salesforce integration, and advanced admin tools.
  • Enterprise (starts at $15,000/year): For large organizations needing top-tier security and custom solutions.

Best for: Groups and individuals needing an easy-to-use scheduling system to avoid conflicts and manage their time better.

What I like: You can easily schedule meetings from LinkedIn, and there are automated reminders that boost attendance.

Pro tip: Use Calendly's "Meeting Polls" feature to let team members vote on their preferred meeting times. It can totally streamline group scheduling and make meetings go more smoothly.

Testing It Out

I quickly connected Calendly to my Google Calendar, which took care of any double-booking issues right off the bat.

Creating my scheduling page was straightforward as well. I set up a one-on-one meeting link and personalized it to fit my needs. Adding my Zoom account was a nice touch - now, all my meetings automatically include a video link, which is important for my remote business.

Calendly also made it easy to define my available hours. I set my working hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday. It handled time zone conversions accurately, so anyone trying to book with me saw the correct times. I also set up buffer times between meetings and a minimum notice period to ensure I had enough prep time.

Finally, I tested the scheduling link myself, and the experience was smooth. When I picked a time slot, Calendly offered alternative times if my first choice wasn't available. It provided a straightforward link to finalize the booking.

Overall, I found Calendly to offer an effortless set-up process and seamless integration with my calendar and Zoom. It conveniently met all my needs.

2. HubSpot Scheduling

HubSpot Scheduling Software takes the hassle out of booking meetings by letting you share a simple scheduling link. It integrates with HubSpot CRM, allowing you and your contacts to set up appointments without endless email exchanges.


  • Allows contacts to choose a suitable time via a link sent by email or posted on a website.
  • Connects with Google and Office 365 to keep availability current and automatically updates schedules.
  • Facilitates finding meeting times for multiple participants and enables prospects to book with any available team member.
  • Integrates with calendars and video tools to add meeting links and update schedules automatically.
  • Integrates with HubSpot CRM to keep all your meeting details organized and readily available so you're always prepared for your next call.


Best for: Sales teams who need a quality AI assistant and use HubSpot as their CRM. It simplifies meeting scheduling with leads and allows them to view recorded meetings within deals as they progress to the next stages.

What I like: You can customize meeting lengths and set specific available times. Plus, the link automatically adjusts to show times in the visitor's time zone, which is fantastic.

Pro tip: Share your calendar booking link in sales emails so prospects can schedule meetings with you directly. You'll reduce back-and-forth and speed up the booking process.

Testing It Out

I've been using the HubSpot Scheduling Assistant for a while, so let me share my experience testing it firsthand. Connecting my Google Calendar to HubSpot was quick and painless. Once synced, it integrated with my existing calendar, so I didn't have to worry about double-booking.

Then, I navigated to the meetings section and created a new scheduling page. Setting up the page was easy peasy, too.

I chose the one-on-one meeting option, personalized the event title, and added my Zoom link. Including cancel and reschedule links right in the invite was a great touch to handle potential no-shows.

When I'm setting up an event's welcome page, I always go for a punchy title, a catchy image, and a snappy description with all the need-to-know details. This combo makes my event stand out, look slick, and stick in clients' minds.

I set my availability to Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding weekends. HubSpot automatically adjusts for different time zones, so the scheduling page shows the local time for each person.

I also set a minimum notice of four hours and added a 15-minute buffer between meetings to avoid delays.

Then, I set up confirmation and reminder emails. I opted for a 10-minute pre-meeting reminder to help reduce no-shows, which I think will be effective. I also reviewed the email template and found it well-designed and clear.

Once everything was set up, I copied the scheduling link and tested it by embedding it in a mock email. It worked perfectly, allowing easy scheduling without the back-and-forth I usually deal with.

Discover how HubSpot AIcan increase your productivity with tools that streamline tasks, spark creativity, boost engagement, and provide valuable insights.

3. is a smart calendar assistant that optimizes your calendar by automatically adjusting meetings, tasks, and priorities to make the most of your time.


  • Automated scheduling and rescheduling of meetings.
  • Intelligent time blocking for focused work and personal time.
  • Integration with major calendar systems (Google Calendar, Outlook).
  • Task prioritization and management.
  • Customizable scheduling preferences and constraints.
  • Analytics and insights on time usage.


  • Lite (Free): 1 link, 1 meeting, 3 habits, 1 sync, basic features, 3-week tracking.
  • Starter ($10 per seat/month): Up to 10 seats, 3 links, 3 meetings, 5 attendees/seat, unlimited habits, sync, integrations, 8-week tracking.
  • Business ($15 per seat/month): Up to 100 seats, unlimited links and meetings, 8 attendees/seat, unlimited habits, sync, integrations, people analytics, 12-week tracking.
  • Enterprise ($18 per seat/month, yearly only): Over 100 seats, unlimited links and meetings, 10 attendees/seat, unlimited habits, sync, integrations, people analytics, delegated access, SSO & SCIM, 12-week tracking.

Best for: Freelancers and managers looking to streamline their schedules and improve productivity.

What I like: Reclaim's habit-building feature is a highlight for me. It works like tasks but with the advantage of recurring scheduling, which is perfect for developing positive habits.

Pro tip: Take advantage of's buffer time feature when scheduling meetings. Adding buffer time around meetings can help prevent schedule overload and provide you with necessary breaks.

Testing It Out

Integrating with Google Calendar was super simple.

I followed the straightforward onboarding process, which guided me through connecting my calendar and setting up my account without any hassle.

I set up several habits and tasks, like daily lunch breaks and morning catch-ups, with minimal effort.

The platform's templates and the automatic scheduling of buffer times between meetings were particularly handy. I also took advantage of the prioritization feature, which helped me categorize tasks by urgency and ensure that I handled high-priority tasks first.

The planner view was great for visualizing my schedule. I could drag and drop tasks, adjust their durations, and set priorities effortlessly. Task management felt intuitive, and the ability to quickly create and rearrange tasks was a real-time-saver.

I found the smart one-on-one feature useful for scheduling meetings. It automatically found mutual availability, which saved me from the usual back-and-forth. Though I didn't use this feature extensively, it's definitely a valuable tool for coordinating meetings.'s stats gave me a clear picture of how I'm spending my time on meetings, breaks, and deep work.

I quickly spotted if I was bogged down by too many meetings or if my focus time was lacking. Plus, one of the coolest features is the ability to compare work and personal time, helping me see if I'm hitting a good work-life balance (which is super important to me).

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4. lemcal

lemcal, another brilliant lemlist product, is a scheduling tool designed to simplify meeting management, reduce no-shows, and increase productivity. It automates your meeting scheduling and helps you secure more appointments without wasting time on unnecessary talks.


  • Customizable booking page with Unsplash photo integration.
  • Integrates with Google Meet, Teams, Zoom, and 6,000+ apps via Zapier.
  • Synchronizes multiple calendars (Google, Microsoft, etc.).
  • Sends automatic reminders to guests.
  • Allows pre-meeting questions.
  • Round Robin scheduling for team meetings.
  • Easy import from other scheduling tools (Calendly, HubSpot).
  • Paid Booking Feature enables direct client payments for appointments, streamlining scheduling and boosting revenue.


  • Starter (Free): Limited calendars, meeting types, and customization.
  • Pro ($9 per user/month): Multiple calendars, unlimited meeting types, team management, and integrations.

Best for: Teams and individuals looking to streamline their meeting scheduling process. The Paid Booking feature is ideal for consultants and entrepreneurs looking to open new revenue streams by monetizing consultations and sessions.

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What I like: You can customize booking pages and the seamless integration with so many popular tools.

Pro tip: Create a personalized lemcal link for your booking page to let others schedule meetings with you in just one click.

Testing It Out

Linking to my Google Calendar was quick here as well.

After that, I dove into customizing my booking page. The process was straightforward, allowing me to set everything up without headaches.

lemcal really impressed me with how customizable it is. I designed a booking page that matches my personal style, with cool backgrounds and engaging visuals. I also added social media snippets to make the page more inviting.

The personal touches and reminders made a big difference in my whole experience.

I saw fewer no-shows, and the meetings went more smoothly. I think lemcal's unique and appealing booking page left a great first impression.

Another great feature was the automatic reminder system - lemcal sends nice emails to guests before the meeting.

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And one of the coolest features I tried was setting pre-meeting questions. I could ask essential or optional questions ahead of time, so everyone came prepared with the needed info. This way, we didn't waste time covering things that had already been answered before, making our meeting time shorter and way more efficient.

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5. Trevor AI

Trevor AI is a daily planning assistant that helps you organize, schedule, and focus on tasks with AI-driven scheduling suggestions and integration with your calendar.


  • Task Hub for organizing and managing tasks.
  • Integrates with Google and Microsoft calendars.
  • AI-driven scheduling suggestions and auto-assigned task durations.
  • Drag-and-drop task scheduling.
  • Focus Mode with time-blocking and actionable steps.
  • Personalized scheduling insights and progress tracking.
  • Supports multiple calendar accounts and recurring tasks.
  • Real-time synchronization across devices.


  • Free Plan: Basic features for personal use, including task management and smart planning.
  • Pro Plan ($3.99/month): Advanced features like multiple calendar accounts, personal AI model, and recurring tasks.

Best for: Ambitious pros and individuals seeking a smart, AI-assisted approach to task scheduling and adjusting to their constantly changing schedule.

What I like: Trevor's Focus Mode is fantastic for time-blocking. It adds a timer and breaks tasks into five simple steps in a few seconds.

Pro tip: Let Trevor's AI automatically estimate how long each task will take, adapting to your unique scheduling habits. This leads to a more efficient planning experience in the future.

Testing It Out

Setting up Trevor AI was pretty straightforward. I connected my calendar, added tasks, and began time blocking almost immediately.

After using the time-blocking feature for a few days, I noticed a real difference.

Dedicating specific time slots to each task helped me stay focused and actually complete what I set out to do. I wasn't jumping from one thing to another, and my productivity increased.

Trevor AI also helped me achieve deep work - a state where I could focus intensely on a single task.

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I simply dragged and dropped tasks into my calendar, and Trevor suggested the best time slots.

It estimates how long each task will take by using its built-in AI, which learns and adapts over time based on your personal task history. When you add a task, Trevor automatically suggests a duration. If needed, you can manually adjust these estimates to better fit your needs. This feature has helped me take control of my endless to-do list and transform it into a schedule I can actually stick to.

The automatic reminders were another great feature. They kept me on track, ensuring I was prepared for every task and meeting.

P.S. If you're planning to give Trevor AI a chance, save this guide - it helped me a lot in setting things up:

[Video: Complete Task Planning Guide with Trevor AI | Get Started Today]

6. Scheduler AI

Scheduler AI is a customizable AI agent that automates the entire scheduling process - from qualifying leads to booking, rescheduling, and follow-ups. It also integrates with most of the tools you likely already use.


  • Qualifies leads through text and email.
  • Books and manages meetings automatically.
  • Rearranges meetings.
  • Ensures timely follow-ups with prospects.
  • Integrates with various platforms, including Gmail, Slack, and web forms.
  • Provides real-time availability and communicates scheduling options.


  • Co-Pilot Meeting Assistant ($50/month): Email scheduling assistant, call recordings, calendar reminders.
  • Auto-Pilot Meeting Setter ($500/month): Up to 8 users (+$50/user), two workflows, email & text, 100 leads (+$0.25/lead), CRM integration, custom branding.
  • Professional ($1,000/month): Up to 16 users (+scaled pricing), unlimited workflows, 500 leads (+$0.20/lead), CRM integration, custom branding.

Best for: Sales teams and professionals who need an efficient, automated solution to handle scheduling and lead management.

What I like: I love the platform's ability to instantly re-book contacts and re-engage lapsed leads, making sure nothing falls through the cracks.

Pro tip: You can let Scheduler AI handle the entire scheduling conversation and process - from initial contact to final booking, so you can focus on closing deals only.

Testing It Out

When I decided to test Scheduler AI, my schedule was totally full.

Thursday was especially busy, with meetings from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and several important one-on-ones. Then, out of nowhere, I got a request to meet with a potential client at 11 a.m. about a major partnership.

Instead of stressing, I was like, "Okay, it's time to see Scheduler AI in action."

It quickly connected to my Gmail, which was a plus from the very beginning.

I scheduled the client meeting at 11 a.m. and set up a 45-minute prep session beforehand. I also gave it the go-ahead to move my project update and reschedule any non-urgent one-on-ones.

Within seconds, Scheduler AI adjusted my schedule perfectly. It set the client meeting at 11 a.m., my prep time for 10:15 a.m., and moved the project update to Friday morning. It even rescheduled my one-on-ones for the following week.

Here, I also tested its capability with Slack, and I was amazed by the smooth collaboration between these two platforms (+Google Calendar).

Everyone needs an AI scheduler in their life.

The main lesson? My days got a lot easier once I let AI take over.

I realized I couldn't do everything alone, so thanks to my LinkedIn community for introducing me to AI schedulers. If I had to choose just one, it would be difficult. Each of these tools has its own great advantages.

For downsides, I didn't notice any specific issues, but that doesn't mean they don't exist, as I only tested them for a short period.

However, I've been loyal to HubSpot for a long time, and I can confirm that its scheduling feature works flawlessly. The same goes for Calendly. However, I'll continue testing out Trevor AI and Scheduler AI for their auto-adjusting time slot features. This is something that blows me away.

HubSpot's Free Meeting Scheduler

Schedule meetings faster and forget the back-and-forth emails. Your calendar stays full, and you stay productive.

  • Let prospects book a meeting time
  • Book more meetings and appointments
  • Sync with Google and Office 365 Calendar
  • And more!

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