Steny H. Hoyer

25/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 25/07/2024 23:58

Hoyer: Hatred and Bigotry Endanger Not Only Jews, but Democracy Itself

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05) spoke on the House Floor strongly condemning the antisemitic protests that took place at Union Station following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress. Below is a transcript of his remarks:

The full video of Congressman Hoyer's Floor Speech can be found HERE.

"Mr. Speaker, the same day Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed our Congress and spoke of how Iran has exported antisemitism around the world, including the United States, we saw reminders of that disgusting and dangerous influence just blocks from our capitol.

"Protest graffitied 'Hamas is coming,' 'Welcome to the Intifada,' and other antisemitic messages outside Union Station. Some brandished Hamas flags while burning the stars and stripes.

"This antisemitic hate has no place anywhere in the world, let alone within the view of this capitol.

"This vile hatred is a continuation of millennia, of prejudiced, discrimination, persecution, and violence towards Jews. Hate and bigotry are un-American. Hate and bigotry are the tools of fascists, dictators, and thugs - the foul products of twisted minds.

"Hatred and bigotry endanger not only Jews, but democracy itself. It falls to each of us, Mr. Speaker, to remove the cancer of antisemitism from our society.

"Jews are, and have always been, a fundamental part of our American family, and no amount of spray paint can ever change that. I yield back."