Ohio Bankers League

12/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/11/2024 11:12

OBL DC Fly-in


Imagine you're a U.S. Congressman or Congresswoman from Ohio. In the weeks the U.S. House is in session, you fly to DC to do work on behalf of your constituents back home. Your schedule is absolutely packed, in some stretches with different meetings every 15 minutes. Most of the people you're meeting with are national advocacy groups based in DC. You may even entertain meetings from folks pushing a policy position you wholeheartedly disagree with, but in doing the people's work and being an effective policymaker, you hear them out. Then, a group of folks from Ohio come in to meet with you.

They are not part of the DC bubble, and they flew in to advocate for something where the federal action happens. You start talking about the Browns Buckeyes . Or maybe one of them brings up the 10-point buck he bagged in Coshocton County last season after seeing a picture of you in your office from the last time you had free time to go hunting. Or maybe one of them mentions her daughter goes to the same school yours goes to.

For those 15 minutes, the DC noise shuts off. And to the chagrin of your staff, you may stretch the meeting well over to 30 minutes or more because you're enjoying this conversation. After all, these are your constituents who took time out of their schedules and spent money to come to DC and talk to you. So, you listen earnestly . You might even tell yourself that these voices matter more than the others. W hen the topics you discussed with these folks come up again, you'll remember th is conversation.

The above scenario is real , and it happens often enough to sway policymakers. That is why the OBL holds our annual DC Fly-in, where bankers from across Ohio go to Washington to advocate for the industry . It's an important part of our advocacy efforts since so much federal legislation and especially regulation affects how your bank runs and operates . If you've ever thought there's no way you can affect change in DC, this is your opportunity to see the influence you actually do have .

2025 is an especially important year for federal advocacy. New administration, new regulators, new Congress, and a push for sweeping policy changes with an emphasis on the "first 100 days " after inauguration. The OBL DC Fly-in is right in the middle of that window at the end of February . When you attend, you'll meet in Congressional offices from Ohio's delegation, meet with key banking regulators, and get to be in the middle of all the action in the nation's capital. Your OBL Government Relations team will also be on-hand with you to be the policy experts, so you can focus on the story of your bank and the impact on your community.

Your engagement at this event does move the needle - we hope you can join us at the 2025 OBL D C Fly-in February 25-27 to help grow the Ohio banking industry's influence and affect positive change for banks of all shapes and sizes.

If you have any questions about the OBL DC Fly-in or are interested in how you can get more involved in our advocacy efforts please send m e a note at [email protected] .