Delegation of the European Union to Egypt

09/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2024 23:02

European Union Heads of Mission to visit Bhutan from September 28- October 1

Thimphu, Bhutan, 26 September 2024: A largest ever delegation of 18 EU Member States' (14 Ambassadors), led by H.E. Hervé Delphin, Ambassador of the European Union, will visit Bhutan from September 28 to October 1, 2024. Invited by the Royal Government of Bhutan, the delegation's visit aims to reaffirm the ongoing cooperation and deepen the growing political ties between the EU and Bhutan.

During their visit, the European Union (EU) Ambassadors will participate in the Bhutan Innovation Forum in Paro, supporting Bhutan's efforts to attract foreign investments. They will also visit EU-funded projects, have a series of official meetings with Members of the Government and of the Parliament, , and discuss on a range of issues including strengthening of EU-Bhutan Partnership, future development of Bhutan in light of, the 13th Five Year Plan, as well as the visionary Gelephu Mindfulness City project. Agriculture modernisation, local governance, renewable energy, education, as well as climate action and environmental protection in which Bhutan has shown great global leadership will also be discussed during the visit.

The EU Delegation would call on H.E. Tshering Tobgay, Prime Minister of Bhutan; Lyonpo D. N. Dhungyel, Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade;H.E. Lungten Dorji,Speaker of the National Assembly; H.E. Sangay Dorji, Chairperson of the National Council along with Governors of few provinces and several other members of the Royal Government.

Speaking on the occasion, H.E. Hervé Delphinsaid, "The visit of 'Team Europe' - the EU and its Member States at the invitation of the Government, is a testimony of the warmth and enduring strength of our relationship. The EU and Bhutan close partnership is rooted in a shared vision of a rule-based global order as enshrined in the universal principles of the UN Charter, and a shared commitment to the global commons of sustainable development, protection of the biodiversity and environment and climate action. The EU and its Member States support Bhutan's aspirations, as a sovereign State and a nation of people attached to their cultural identity, to develop for themselves a sustainable and modern future. We look forward to productive and enriching exchanges with our Bhutanese counterparts with the aim of advancing further our cooperation."

The EU Delegation would comprise of following ambassadors: Mr. Hervé Delphin (EU Ambassador for India and Bhutan); Ms. Katharina Ann Wieser (Autria), Mr. Didier Vanderhasselt (Belgium), Mr. Nikolay Hhristov Yankov (Bulgaria), Mr. Evagoras Vryonides (Cyprus), Ms. Marje Luup (Estonia), Mr. Kimmo Juhani Lähdevirta (Finland), Mr. Kevin Kelly (Ireland), Mr. Antonio Enrico Bartoli (Italy), Mr. Juris Bone (Latvia), Ms. Diana Mickeviciene (Lithuania), Ms. Peggy Frantzen (Luxembourg), Mrs. Marie Louisa Gerards (Netherlands), Mrs. Mateja Vodeb Ghosh (Slovenia) and Mr. Juan Antonio March Pujol (Spain). The Deputy Heads of Mission, Ms. Martin Egknud Petersen (Denmark), Mr. Georg Enzweiller (Germany), Mr Sebastian Karol Domzalski (Poland), and Mr. Christian Eric Nikolaj Kamill (Sweden) will also be part of the mission, along with the officials from the European Union Delegation Mr. Franck Viault (Minister Counsellor - Head of Cooperation) and Ms. Sara Nanino (Second Secretary).

The Kingdom of Bhutan and the European Union have been enjoying a strong partnership since the establishment of formal diplomatic relations on August 9, 1985. Over the years, the EU has supported Bhutan's sustainable development agenda including through the 2021-2027 EU-Bhutan bilateral Multiannual Indicative Programme, which is focusing on three priority areas: climate change and green growth; good governance for inclusive socio-economic development; and digital transition as a driver for change in education and public service delivery. The EU has approved a first EUR 31 million grant allocation for the 2021-2024 period. In addition to this, funds are given to projects in support of Sustainable Tourism (1.3 million), five ongoing Civil Society projects and their engagement with the Parliament (EUR 3.5 million), and support to private sector investments (EUR 1.3 Million).

In April 2024, the European Investment Bank signed the first ever €150 million loan with the Royal Government of Bhutan to support the development of solar power plants and small hydro investments. This significant investment is backed by an EU financial guarantee. A technical assistance grant by the EU to enhance the energy sector in Bhutan is also envisaged.

About the European Union (EU): The EU, which consists of 27 countries, has the world's second-largest economy and its third-largest population, after China and India. Though richly diverse, the countries that make up the EU (its 'Member States') are all committed to the same basic values: peace, democracy, the rule of law, and respect for human rights. By creating a frontier-free single market and a single currency (the euro), which has been adopted by 20 Member States, the EU has given a significant boost to trade and employment.

EU-Bhutan relations: The European Union-Bhutan cooperation started with a development project in 1982, focusing on renewable natural resources. In 1985, diplomatic relations between the Royal Government of Bhutan and EU were established.