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03/09/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 04/09/2024 10:24

A Decade of Digital Progress: Building a Smarter State and Shaping the Future

03 Sep 2024

A Decade of Digital Progress: Building a Smarter State and Shaping the Future

David Jones, DX Consultant at Fujitsu, discusses a decade of digital progress as part of Building the Smarter State Week 2024 #techUKSmarterState


Over the past decade, significant strides have been made in developing a smarter state that delivers meaningful digital outcomes. The digitalisation of society has been a key driver in this transformation, merging virtual and physical environments to enhance accessibility, growth, and productivity. This shift has been characterised by the rise of the Internet, e-commerce, e-learning, and digital financial services, revolutionising daily life, and making it almost unimaginable to function without them. These advancements have not only streamlined processes but also brought unparalleled efficiency and convenience for both organisations and citizens. Online services empower users to access information, interact seamlessly, and achieve their goals with ease.

Digitalisation of Online Services

The integration of digital technologies into daily life has transformed how we interact, work, and consume. It has streamlined processes, reducing the time and effort required for various tasks, with online services empowering users to access information, interact seamlessly, and accomplish goals more efficiently. Digital technologies facilitate instant communication and collaboration on a global scale, social media, messaging apps, and video conferencing have broken down geographical barriers, fostering connections and information exchange worldwide. Digital platforms have created new business models, enhanced productivity, and provided opportunities for startups and small businesses to thrive in a global marketplace. Online courses, e-books, and digital libraries have made learning more accessible, bridging educational gaps and providing continuous learning opportunities. Digital tools have been actively developed and used to achieve environmental goals, promoting a greener and more sustainable future.

One of the most notable successes has been the digitalisation of tax systems. Initiatives like the UK's "Making Tax Digital" (MTD) have aimed to transform tax administration by making it easier for individuals and businesses to get their tax right the first time and stay on top of their affairs. The digitalisation of tax functions worldwide has also seen significant advancements.

Looking globally, countries like Estonia have already made great leaps towards the digitalisation of government services where the head of government references Estonia's e-services and digital state as a good example. He said, "We have put innovation to work for the good of democracy and for the good of our citizens," she said. "Today, 99% of our government services are offered online, from paying taxes to electing the parliament, our aim has always been to provide services that are the best they can be for the people of our country. Since so much of our lives in this day and age are online, the state has to have a presence there as well, and it has to be prepared to constantly update and improve its services."

Developing and maintaining the necessary digital infrastructure, including high-speed internet access and reliable networks, is also essential to support the growing demand for digital services. This includes investing in broadband infrastructure in rural and underserved areas to ensure that all individuals have access to high-speed internet. Reliable networks are crucial for the functioning of digital services and for enabling individuals and businesses to take full advantage of digital technologies.


The digital divide continues to be a significant issue, with unequal access to digital technologies creating disparities between urban and rural areas, developed and developing countries, and different socio-economic groups. Addressing digital inequality is crucial to ensure that all groups, regions, and countries can benefit from digital advancements. Ensuring equal access to digital technologies for all will help bridge the digital divide and promote inclusivity. This requires concerted efforts from governments, the private sector, and civil society to invest in digital infrastructure and provide affordable access to digital technologies.

Workforce Skills and Training

The acceleration and widespread adoption of artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation could lead to job displacement in certain industries, necessitating a shift in workforce skills. Investing in education and training programmes to equip individuals with the necessary skills to thrive in a digital economy is essential. This includes not only technical skills but also soft skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability. By preparing the workforce for the digital age, we can mitigate the negative impacts of automation and ensure individuals can take advantage of new opportunities created by digital technologies.

Ethical Considerations and Security

Ethical considerations must be at the forefront of technological advancements. Developing frameworks and guidelines to address AI biases, surveillance, and misinformation will help ensure that technology is used responsibly and ethically. This includes addressing issues such as algorithmic bias, which can lead to unfair outcomes, and ensuring that AI systems are transparent and accountable. Moreover, cybersecurity and privacy must be prioritised. Implementing robust security measures to protect personal and sensitive information from unauthorised access and cyberattacks is vital. As more personal and sensitive information is stored digitally, the risk of data breaches and cyberattacks increases. Ensuring that digital systems are secure, and that individuals' privacy is protected is essential to maintaining trust in digital technologies.

Fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement will drive the development of new technologies and solutions that can address emerging challenges and opportunities. Encouraging research and development in digital technologies and supporting startups and small businesses can lead to the creation of innovative solutions that can drive economic growth and improve quality of life. By fostering a culture of innovation, we can ensure that digital technologies continue to evolve and meet the needs of society.


By addressing digital inequality, adapting workforce skills, prioritising ethical considerations, enhancing cybersecurity, and fostering innovation, we can continue to build a digital society that benefits all citizens and drives sustainable growth and development. The journey towards a smarter state is ongoing, and by focusing on these key areas, we can create a digital future that is inclusive, secure, and innovative. This will require collaboration and commitment from all stakeholders; including governments, businesses, and individuals, to ensure that the benefits of digitalisation are realised by all.