City of Las Vegas, NV

11/07/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 11/07/2024 11:04

Encampment Ordinance Updated

On Nov. 6, 2024 The Las Vegas City Council updated an ordinance aimed at helping to connect the city's unhoused population with services that can help to get them off the streets. The primary intent of the ordinance is not to cite or arrest homeless people. The ordinance is intended to give individuals a choice to get assistance so that they no longer have to live in unsafe and unsanitary conditions on the street.

The ordinance makes it a misdemeanor to camp or sleep in the public right-of-way, such as a sidewalk or street, downtown and in all residential areas. The original ordinance was approved in 2020. The 2020 ordinance made it amisdemeanor to camp or sleep in the public right-of-way, such as a sidewalk orstreet, unless there were no beds available in the local shelters. The updatedordinance removes language that enforcement can only occur if there is shelterbed capacity available. This change brings the ordinance into alignment withthe July 2024 Supreme Court decision (City of Grants Pass, Oregon vs. Johnson.)

Law enforcement are able to notify individuals that they are in a right-of-way and direct them to services at the Courtyard Homeless Resource Center and other providers. Proliferation of homeless individuals in public rights-of-way has resulted in hygiene and sanitation issues, often around businesses and food processing locations.

The city of Las Vegas is committed to helping connect homeless individuals and families with needed services to help them break the cycle of homelessness. In 2023, the city saw 11.695 unduplicated services accessed by guests at the Courtyard.

The Courtyard is an example of an innovative public-private partnership and convenes a range of service providers to assist clients with access to housing, medical/mental health services, legal assistance, employment opportunities, income/benefit assistance, food, clothing and additional wraparound services. In addition, the city's Multi-Agency Outreach Resource Engagement (MORE) Teams are out in the community every day providing outreach to the unhoused community where they are.

Important things to know about the ordinance

  • The ordinance was designed to help direct people to the city's Courtyard Homeless Resource Center and other existing nonprofits to connect those in need to services and help break the cycle of homelessness.
  • The city spends $2.7 million a year in homeless cleanup efforts.
  • At least 107 cities across the country have a similar ordinance in place.
  • By helping get the homeless off the street and into shelters, it will help the homeless and protect the health and safety of the entire community. Homeless individuals generally lack access to primary and mental health care and/or basic facilities designed to reduce public health risks, such as bathrooms and refrigerators.
  • Communities fear that homeless street populations have the ability to reduce real property values by five to 15 percent. Loitering, panhandling, encampments, increased trash from food and other waste create blight and public health hazards in neighborhoods all over the valley. Research shows that wise investment into housing and homeless services actually maintains or increases the value of residential properties.
  • Homeless street populations increase the perception that an area is not safe. Though most homeless have an increased risk of becoming victims of crimes as opposed to perpetrating crimes, homeless people loitering in and around public spaces can create concerns of safety.

Common concerns about the ordinance

The city is trying to criminalize homelessness.

While the ordinance is applicable to all citizens, it is not aimed at criminalizing homelessness, but certain behaviors. Arrests/citations are discretionary for officers who will use the ordinance as a tool. Enforcement is the last resort. The goal is to help the homeless get into available programs so they can be helped. Officers enforce only as a last resort when someone is resistant to assistance and resources, and their actions pose a public safety or health concern.

The city doesn't have enough affordable housing.

We are doing all we can, but we need additional help. Until more housing is available, the city must continue to address the immediate issue of the health and safety of the homeless and the community.

There isn't enough shelter space for the homeless.

Our Courtyard provides a secure, safe place.

Some homeless dislike shelters.

We understand that some homeless individuals prefer to remain nomadic; however, the city wants to engage those who want services and also preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the entire community.

The city doesn't have enough bathrooms for the homeless.

We provide restroom facilities at the Courtyard..