Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

12/22/2023 | Press release | Archived content

Taiwan and Czech Republic sign MOU to deepen bilateral economic and cultural linkages

Taiwan and Czech Republic sign MOU to deepen bilateral economic and cultural linkages

  • Date:2023-12-22
  • Data Source:Department of European Affairs

December 22, 2023
No. 453

Amb. Ke Liang-ruey, Representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Prague, and David Steinke, Representative of the Czech Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei, signed an MOU on the Business Opportunities Enhancement Program (BOEP) on December 22. The MOU is aimed at deepening relations between Taiwan and the Czech Republic and increasing bilateral investment and trade. Through it, the two countries will work together to create a platform for economic, trade, technological, cultural, and other exchanges to facilitate bilateral commercial links, information exchange, and interaction on other issues of common interest.

The BOEP is part of a collaborative project being implemented by the Taiwanese and Czech governments to enhance supply chain resilience and capacity building among democratic partners. The Czech government will establish the Czech Center in Taiwan to integrate local resources; bolster economic, trade, and cultural diplomacy; and further deepen connections with Taiwan.

Taiwan and the Czech Republic have enjoyed frequent interactions in recent years, reflected in growing cooperation in such areas as the economy, trade, technology, education, and humanitarian assistance. Bilateral exchanges in industry, technology, and the arts and culture are expected to increase giving the people of Taiwan more opportunities to experience the diversity of the Czech Republic's economy and culture. (E)