CSO - Central Statistics Office Ireland

06/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/09/2024 09:49

Live Register August 2024

The seasonally adjusted Live Register fell by 3.3% to 166,100 people over the month to August 2024

Online ISSN: 200-535X
CSO statistical publication, 06 September 2024, 11am

Key Findings

  • The seasonally adjusted Live Register total for August 2024 was 166,100 people, down by 5,700 people or 3.3% from July 2024.

  • The unadjusted Live Register total stood at 177,868 people for August 2024.

  • Of the 177,868 people on the unadjusted Live Register in August 2024, 53.3% were male and 71.3% were Irish.

  • The 25-34 age group made up the largest number of those on the Live Register in August 2024 at 41,850 people or 23.5% of the total.

  • Two counties recorded percentage increases in the number of people on the Live Register in the 12 months to August 2024 - Kildare (+1.4%) and Offaly (+1.3%).

  • In August 2024 there were 115,656 people on the Live Register for less than one year, which was 4,433 fewer people (-3.7%) than August 2023.

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (06 September 2024) issued results from the Live Register for August 2024.

Commenting on today's release, Conor Delves, Statistician in the Labour Market Analysis Section, said:

"The unadjusted Live Register total for August 2024 was 177,868. When seasonal effects are considered, the seasonally adjusted Live Register total for August 2024 was 166,100 or 5,700 fewer people than July 2024.

There were 17,313 people benefitting from the EU's Temporary Protection Directive included in the Live Register figures for August 2024, a decrease of 726 people from July 2024.

Percentage increases in the number of people on the Live Register in the 12 months to August 2024 were recorded in Kildare (+1.4%) and Offaly (+1.3%) (See PxStat Table LRM15).

The number of people on the Live Register for one year or more in August 2024 was 62,212, which was 3,816 fewer people (-5.8%) than a year earlier. There were 115,656 people on the Live Register for less than one year, which represents just under two-thirds of the total number of people on the Live Register."

Editor's Note

People arriving in Ireland from Ukraine under the EU's Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) can access a wide range of Department of Social Protection (DSP) supports. The majority of new applications for income support from people of working age are being processed as Jobseeker's Allowance (JA) claims until the most appropriate income support for that person is identified. This facilitates access to existing part-time work supports where appropriate. If a person is on JA for 20* claim paid days or more, they are counted on the Live Register.

*Before October 2022, persons availing of TPD were included in the Live Register when they had been in receipt of JA for 50 days or more.

Data in this release are subject to revision based on updates to the seasonally adjusted series whenever new monthly data are added, such revisions are typically very minor in scale. It should be noted that larger revisions can occur when the comprehensive annual review of the seasonal adjustment model is carried out in January of each year. See background notes for further details.

The seasonally adjusted Live Register decreased by 3.3% to 166,100 over the month to August 2024

Total Persons on the Live Register - Unadjusted and Seasonally Adjusted
Live Register Total Seasonally Adjusted
August 2023 186,117 174,100
July 2024 185,968 171,800
August 2024 177,868 166,100
Change in month - -5,700
Change in year -8,249 -
Figure 1 Live Register Seasonally Adjusted

© Central Statistics Office, Ireland

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Table 1 Total Persons on the Live Register - Unadjusted and Seasonally Adjusted
Table 1 Total persons on the Live Register - Unadjusted and Seasonally Adjusted
Unadjusted Series Seasonally Adjusted Series¹
Month Males Females All Persons Males Females All Persons
2022 August 99,036 98,089 197,125 97,200 87,800 185,000
September 95,177 83,878 179,055 96,300 87,500 183,800
October 95,732 83,823 179,555 98,000 87,600 185,600
November 96,632 84,252 180,884 98,500 88,000 186,500
December 98,710 85,932 184,642 98,600 87,900 186,400
2023 January 99,207 84,973 184,180 97,600 86,800 184,300
February 98,084 84,792 182,876 97,000 86,500 183,500
March 96,761 82,542 179,303 96,500 85,600 182,100
April 95,749 82,831 178,580 96,200 84,700 180,900
May 94,869 81,747 176,616 96,300 85,500 181,800
June 96,228 88,319 184,547 96,300 85,400 181,700
July 98,781 96,005 194,786 96,600 83,900 180,500
August 97,613 88,504 186,117 95,800 78,300 174,100
September 94,176 79,726 173,902 95,300 82,900 178,200
October 92,726 76,985 169,711 94,900 81,500 176,400
November 92,726 76,720 169,446 94,500 80,900 175,400
December 94,670 78,333 173,003 94,500 80,600 175,200
2024 January 97,458 79,806 177,264 95,600 81,200 176,800
February 95,643 78,339 173,982 94,500 80,300 174,900
March 94,711 78,685 173,396 94,200 80,200 174,400
April 92,963 76,534 169,497 93,900 79,700 173,600
May 92,479 75,927 168,406 93,800 79,200 173,100
June 93,165 81,744 174,909 93,300 78,600 172,000
July 95,558 90,410 185,968 93,300 78,500 171,800
August 94,744 83,124 177,868 93,000 73,100 166,100
¹ Table contains revised figures

The counties that saw the largest percentage decrease in the number of persons on the Live Register in the 12 months to August 2024 were Clare (-13.0%), Kilkenny (-11.9%) and Donegal (-11.8%)

Map 1 Persons on the Live Register classified by County and Sex, August 2024
Both sexesMaleFemale
1,690 - 2,376
2,377 - 3,794
3,795 - 5,696
5,697 - 7,139
7,140 - 45,050
Leaflet | Powered by Esri|
September 06, 2024 11:00:00 UTC https://data.cso.ie/table/LRM15
© Central Statistics Office, Ireland, Tiles © Esri, © Tailte Éireann
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The number of Jobseeker's Allowance claims decreased by 5.9% (-7,622) in August 2024 compared with 12 months earlier

The number of Jobseekers Benefit claims increased by 6.8% (+2,897) in August 2024 compared with 12 months earlier.

Figure 2 Persons on the Live Register classified by Social Welfare Scheme and Sex
Both sexesMaleFemale

© Central Statistics Office, Ireland

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Table 2 Total Persons on the Live Register classified by Age and Sex
Table 2 Total Persons on the Live Register classified by Age and Sex
Category August 2023 July 2024 August 2024 Monthly change Annual change Under 25 years 25 years & over
JB Claims 20,862 22,673 22,040 -633 +1,178 2,274 19,766
JA Applications 72,415 69,470 69,336 -134 -3,079 9,524 59,812
Other Registrants 4,336 3,415 3,368 -47 -968 17 3,351
Total 97,613 95,558 94,744 -814 -2,869 11,815 82,929
JB Claims 21,736 29,401 23,455 -5,946 +1,719 2,461 20,994
JA Applications 55,711 52,404 51,168 -1,236 -4,543 7,620 43,548
Other Registrants 11,057 8,605 8,501 -104.0 -2,556 12 8,489
Total 88,504 90,410 83,124 -7,286 -5,380 10,093 73,031
All Persons
JB Claims 42,598 52,074 45,495 -6,579 +2,897 4,735 40,760
JA Applications 128,126 121,874 120,504 -1,370 -7,622 17,144 103,360
Other Registrants 15,393 12,020 11,869 -151 -3,524 29 11,840
Total 186,117 185,968 177,868 -8,100 -8,249 21,908 155,960

The number of persons on the Live Register for one year or more in August 2024 was 62,212 - down 3,816 (-5.8%) from a year earlier

Figure 3 Persons on the Live Register classified by Detailed Duration

© Central Statistics Office, Ireland

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Table 3 Persons on the Live Register classified by Sex and Duration of Continuous Registration
Table 3 Persons on the Live Register classified by duration of continuous registration
Duration August 2023 July 2024 August 2024 Monthly change Annual change Under 25 years 25 years & over
Less than one year 61,440 60,525 59,896 -629 -1,544 9,314 50,582
One year or more 36,173 35,033 34,848 -185 -1,325 2,501 32,347
Total 97,613 95,558 94,744 -814 -2,869 11,815 82,929
Less than one year 58,649 61,584 55,760 -5,824 -2,889 8,197 47,563
One year or more 29,855 28,826 27,364 -1,462 -2,491 1,896 25,468
Total 88,504 90,410 83,124 -7,286 -5,380 10,093 73,031
All Persons
Less than one year 120,089 122,109 115,656 -6,453 -4,433 17,511 98,145
One year or more 66,028 63,859 62,212 -1,647 -3,816 4,397 57,815
Total 186,117 185,968 177,868 -8,100 -8,249 21,908 155,960

people under the age of 25 were on the Live Register in August 2024.
This cohort accounted for 12.3% of all claimants.
Source: CSO Ireland, Live Register August 2024

Persons between the ages of 25 and 54 accounted for just under two-thirds of those on the Live Register in August 2024

Figure 4 Persons on the Live Register classified by Sex and Age Group
Both sexesMaleFemale

© Central Statistics Office, Ireland

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Table 4 Summary of flows on and off the Live Register
Table 4 Summary of flows on and off the Live Register1
Males Females All Claimants
Live Register Joined Live Register Stayed on Live Register Left Live Register Live Register Joined Live Register Stayed on Live Register Left Live Register Live Register Joined Live Register Stayed on Live Register Left Live Register
JB Claims
2023 August 20,862 5,531 15,331 5,424 21,736 5,287 16,449 10,715 42,598 10,818 31,780 16,139
September 19,741 4,492 15,249 4,995 17,663 3,947 13,716 7,536 37,404 8,439 28,966 12,531
October 19,668 4,759 14,909 4,138 17,092 3,815 13,277 3,918 36,760 8,574 28,186 8,056
November 19,958 5,445 14,513 4,416 17,285 4,526 12,759 3,812 37,243 9,971 27,272 8,228
December 21,319 4,761 16,558 2,708 18,421 3,958 14,463 2,366 39,740 8,719 31,021 5,074
2024 January 22,620 5,562 17,058 3,669 19,291 4,932 14,359 3,637 41,911 10,494 31,417 7,306
February 21,457 5,170 16,287 5,480 18,345 4,154 14,191 4,521 39,802 9,324 30,478 10,001
March 21,211 4,277 16,934 3,902 19,256 4,749 14,507 3,433 40,467 9,026 31,441 7,335
April 20,585 4,510 16,075 4,426 18,080 4,050 14,030 4,728 38,665 8,560 30,105 9,154
May 20,283 5,172 15,111 4,763 17,754 4,366 13,388 4,199 38,037 9,538 28,499 8,962
June 21,065 5,086 15,979 3,723 22,425 8,162 14,263 3,015 43,490 13,248 30,242 6,738
July 22,673 5,859 16,814 3,536 29,401 10,288 19,113 2,859 52,074 16,147 35,927 6,395
August 22,040 5,618 16,422 5,520 23,455 5,131 18,324 10,469 45,495 10,749 34,746 15,989
JA Applications
2023 August 72,415 5,224 67,191 6,352 55,711 4,542 51,169 6,140 128,126 9,766 118,360 12,492
September 70,613 4,688 65,925 7,095 52,503 3,662 48,841 7,571 123,116 8,350 114,766 14,666
October 69,564 4,777 64,787 6,481 51,107 3,789 47,318 5,816 120,671 8,566 112,105 12,297
November 69,247 5,419 63,828 6,415 50,683 4,336 46,347 5,212 119,930 9,755 110,175 11,627
December 69,824 12,289 57,535 12,372 51,165 17,497 33,668 17,417 120,989 29,786 91,203 29,789
2024 January 71,335 4,986 66,349 4,054 51,855 3,807 48,048 3,492 123,190 8,793 114,397 7,546
February 70,705 4,985 65,720 6,393 51,373 3,995 47,378 4,944 122,078 8,980 113,098 11,337
March 70,033 3,990 66,043 5,242 50,839 3,169 47,670 4,019 120,872 7,159 113,713 9,261
April 68,926 3,615 65,311 5,376 49,966 2,936 47,030 4,206 118,892 6,551 112,341 9,582
May 68,762 5,498 63,264 6,309 49,783 4,503 45,280 5,080 118,545 10,001 108,544 11,389
June 68,702 4,741 63,961 5,343 50,862 4,783 46,079 4,085 119,564 9,524 110,040 9,428
July 69,470 4,906 64,564 4,796 52,404 5,059 47,345 3,897 121,874 9,965 111,909 8,693
August 69,336 5,409 63,927 6,230 51,168 4,526 46,642 6,227 120,504 9,935 110,569 12,457
Other Registrants
2023 August 4,336 97 4,239 242 11,057 195 10,862 672 15,393 292 15,101 914
September 3,822 92 3,730 628 9,560 161 9,399 1,710 13,382 253 13,129 2,338
October 3,494 101 3,393 481 8,786 228 8,558 1,074 12,280 329 11,951 1,555
November 3,521 135 3,386 166 8,752 209 8,543 314 12,273 344 11,929 480
December 3,527 107 3,420 133 8,747 197 8,550 256 12,274 304 11,970 389
2024 January 3,503 106 3,397 142 8,660 135 8,525 273 12,163 241 11,922 415
February 3,481 81 3,400 175 8,621 179 8,442 333 12,102 260 11,842 508
March 3,467 82 3,385 139 8,590 175 8,415 293 12,057 257 11,800 432
April 3,452 74 3,378 146 8,488 140 8,348 342 11,940 214 11,726 488
May 3,434 88 3,346 170 8,390 139 8,251 336 11,824 227 11,597 506
June 3,398 71 3,327 144 8,457 281 8,176 311 11,855 352 11,503 455
July 3,415 102 3,313 139 8,605 370 8,235 298 12,020 472 11,548 437
August 3,368 125 3,243 215 8,501 314 8,187 562 11,869 439 11,430 777
All Schemes
2023 August 97,613 10,852 86,761 12,018 88,504 10,024 78,480 17,527 186,117 20,876 165,241 29,545
September 94,176 9,272 84,904 12,718 79,726 7,769 71,957 16,817 173,902 17,041 156,861 29,535
October 92,726 9,637 83,089 11,100 76,985 7,832 69,153 10,808 169,711 17,469 152,242 21,908
November 92,726 10,999 81,727 10,997 76,720 9,071 67,649 9,338 169,446 20,070 149,376 20,335
December 94,670 17,157 77,513 15,213 78,333 21,652 56,681 20,039 173,003 38,809 134,194 35,252
2024 January 97,458 10,654 86,804 7,865 79,806 8,874 70,932 7,402 177,264 19,528 157,736 15,267
February 95,643 10,236 85,407 12,048 78,339 8,328 70,011 9,798 173,982 18,564 155,418 21,846
March 94,711 8,349 86,362 9,283 78,685 8,093 70,592 7,745 173,396 16,442 156,954 17,028
April 92,963 8,199 84,764 9,948 76,534 7,126 69,408 9,276 169,497 15,325 154,172 19,224
May 92,479 10,758 81,721 11,242 75,927 9,008 66,919 9,615 168,406 19,766 148,640 20,857
June 93,165 9,898 83,267 9,210 81,744 13,226 68,518 7,411 174,909 23,124 151,785 16,621
July 95,558 10,867 84,691 8,471 90,410 15,717 74,693 7,054 185,968 26,584 159,384 15,525
August 94,744 11,152 83,592 11,965 83,124 9,971 73,153 17,258 177,868 21,123 156,745 29,223
1 Flow analysis: inflows and outflows published in this table do not take account of inter-scheme activity within the Live Register. For example, if a claimant exhausts his/her entitlement to JB and opens a new JA claim this is counted as an outflow in JB and an inflow in JA.

Table 5 Casual and Part-time Workers on the Live Register
Table 5 Casual and part-time workers on the Live Register
Males Monthly change Females Monthly change All Persons Monthly change
2022 August 11,114 -53 14,597 +81 25,711 +28
September 10,930 -184 14,516 -81 25,446 -265
October 10,973 +43 14,824 +308 25,797 +351
November 11,132 +159 14,957 +133 26,089 +292
December 11,403 +271 15,260 +303 26,663 +574
2023 January 11,286 -117 14,939 -321 26,225 -438
February 11,405 +119 14,978 +39 26,383 +158
March 11,435 +30 14,990 +12 26,425 +42
April 11,410 -25 14,919 -71 26,329 -96
May 11,387 -23 14,831 -88 26,218 -111
June 11,392 +05 14,795 -36 26,187 -31
July 11,245 -147 14,715 -80 25,960 -227
August 11,028 -217 14,376 -339 25,404 -556
September 10,784 -244 13,994 -382 24,778 -626
October 10,889 +105 14,031 +37 24,920 +142
November 11,084 +195 14,344 +313 25,428 +508
December 11,196 +112 14,545 +201 25,741 +313
2024 January 10,946 -250 14,271 -274 25,217 -524
February 11,031 +85 14,446 +175 25,477 +260
March 10,954 -77 14,469 +23 25,423 -54
April 10,768 -186 14,399 -70 25,167 -256
May 10,534 -234 14,115 -284 24,649 -518
June 10,412 -122 14,020 -95 24,432 -217
July 10,261 -151 13,836 -184 24,097 -335
August 10,151 -110 13,570 -266 23,721 -376

Table 6 Persons on the Live Register classified by Nationality Grouping
Table 6 Persons on the Live Register classified by Nationality Grouping
Nationality Grouping
Non-Irish nationals
United Kingdom EU14_2020 excl. IRL 1 EU15-EU27_2020 1 Other Non-Irish nationals Irish nationals All Persons
2022 August 6,722 2,723 17,376 20,255 47,076 150,049 197,125
September 6,155 2,453 16,131 21,410 46,149 132,906 179,055
October 5,995 2,420 15,938 25,268 49,621 129,934 179,555
November 5,944 2,515 16,033 27,174 51,666 129,218 180,884
December 6,037 2,563 16,325 29,562 54,487 130,155 184,642
2023 January 6,002 2,611 16,360 30,233 55,206 128,974 184,180
February 5,952 2,624 16,149 30,589 55,314 127,562 182,876
March 5,788 2,565 15,691 30,918 54,962 124,341 179,303
April 5,752 2,600 15,533 30,700 54,585 123,995 178,580
May 5,677 2,641 15,141 30,699 54,158 122,458 176,616
June 5,892 2,781 15,213 31,338 55,224 129,323 184,547
July 6,132 2,912 15,605 32,106 56,755 138,031 194,786
August 5,823 2,869 15,029 32,191 55,912 130,205 186,117
September 5,455 2,667 14,447 30,798 53,367 120,535 173,902
October 5,401 2,608 14,240 30,283 52,532 117,179 169,711
November 5,390 2,621 14,435 30,324 52,770 116,676 169,446
December 5,430 2,779 14,858 30,990 54,057 118,946 173,003
2024 January 5,522 3,018 15,479 31,542 55,561 121,703 177,264
February 5,434 2,977 15,189 31,154 54,754 119,228 173,982
March 5,415 2,951 14,975 30,541 53,882 119,514 173,396
April 5,324 2,936 14,761 29,494 52,515 116,982 169,497
May 5,275 2,891 14,466 28,704 51,336 117,070 168,406
June 5,472 2,996 14,565 28,527 51,560 123,349 174,909
July 5,755 3,272 15,018 28,556 52,601 133,367 185,968
August 5,542 3,158 14,465 27,833 50,998 126,870 177,868
1 In light of the United Kingdom (UK) leaving the European Union with effect from 1 February 2020, the EU classification has been updated.
EU14_2020 excl. IRL before February 2020 was formally classified as EU15 excl. IRL & UK.
EU15-EU27_2020 before February 2020 was formally classified as EU15 to EU28 States.

There were 32,666 persons availing of activation programmes in July 2024, representing an increase of 715 persons (2.2%) from the previous year

Data up to the end of July 2024 on the number of persons availing of a range of programmes targeted primarily at the long-term unemployed (over 12 months) and other welfare recipients is provided in the Annex Table A1 - Number of persons availing of Activation Programmes table.

Persons on activation programmes are not counted as part of the monthly Live Register.

Annex Table A1 Number of Persons availing of Activation Programmes
Annex Table A1 - Number of Persons availing of Activation Programmes4
July 2023 June 2024 July 2024
Back to Work Schemes
Back to Work Enterprise allowance scheme -self employed strand 2,135 1,916 1,933
Short-term Enterprise Allowance1 216 267 272
Total Back to Work payments 2,351 2,183 2,205
Other Activation Programmes
DSP Part-time Job Incentive 82 78 59
TÚS - Community Work Placement Initiative (2011) 4,520 4,464 4,505
Work Placement Experience Programme2 765 1,127 1,151
Total Other Activation Programmes 5,367 5,669 5,715
Community Employment Schemes (excluding Supervisors) 18,748 19,208 19,247
SOLAS (FÁS) Full Time Training for Unemployed People 4,211 5,144 4,422
Back to Education Courses
Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS) 1,023 961 953
Back to Education Allowance (BTEA)3 251 207 124
Total Back to Education Courses 1,274 1,168 1,077
Total Activation Programmes 31,951 33,372 32,666
1 This scheme was introduced from 1st May 2009. It provides immediate support for someone in receipt of Jobseekers Benefit who wants to start a business.
2 This scheme was introduced in July 2021. The Work Placement Experience Programme (WPEP) is a 6-month, 30 hour per week voluntary work experience programme.
3 BTEA figures include all schemes but participants from JA & JB are not entitled to BTEA during the summer holidays. In 2020 and 2021 some BTEA recipients were paid for the summer period.
4 Figures related to May 2022 onwards are recorded on a slightly different basis, in respect of the record date, and the exclusion of suspended payments.
Open in Excel: /en/media/csoie/releasespublications/documents/ep/liveregister/2024/august2024/P-LR2024M08TBLA1.xls

Annex Table A2 Live Register total classified by Recipient and Non-Recipient
Annex Table A2 - Live Register total classified by Recipient and Non-Recipient
Recipients Non-Recipients Total
2022 August 179,348 17,777 197,125
September 161,369 17,686 179,055
October 163,396 16,159 179,555
November 163,977 16,907 180,884
December 169,774 14,868 184,642
2023 January 168,099 16,081 184,180
February 167,600 15,276 182,876
March 164,507 14,796 179,303
April 162,515 16,065 178,580
May 159,489 17,127 176,616
June 164,932 19,615 184,547
July 163,712 31,074 194,786
August 158,967 27,150 186,117
September 150,225 23,677 173,902
October 148,983 20,728 169,711
November 149,173 20,273 169,446
December 159,026 13,977 173,003
2024 January 160,690 16,574 177,264
February 152,005 21,977 173,982
March 152,507 20,889 173,396
April 150,802 18,695 169,497
May 146,559 21,847 168,406
June 151,948 22,961 174,909
July 163,901 22,067 185,968
August 151,136 26,732 177,868

people benefitting from the EU's Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) included in the Live Register figures for August 2024.
Source: CSO Ireland, Live Register August 2024

63.4% of those benefitting from TPD in August 2024 were female (10,980). 89.1% (15,433) of all recipients were over 25 years old

Table A3 Total persons benefitting from the Temporary Protection Directive (Ukraine)
Table A3 Total persons benefitting from the Temporary Protection Directive (Ukraine)
Category May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024
Under 25 years 934 928 961 944
25 years & over 6,069 5,812 5,615 5,389
Total 7,003 6,740 6,576 6,333
Under 25 years 951 946 937 936
25 years & over 11,161 10,843 10,526 10,044
Total 12,112 11,789 11,463 10,980
All Persons
Under 25 years 1,885 1,874 1,898 1,880
25 years & over 17,230 16,655 16,141 15,433
Total 19,115 18,529 18,039 17,313

Additional Live Register Information

Detailed tables relating to the monthly estimates of the number of persons on Live Register classified by NUTS2 and NUTS3 regions are included in the CSO Main Data Dissemination Service LRM17 on PxStat.

Table LRM13 on PxStat includes the Live Register occupational data which is sourced from information collected by the DSP on the most recent occupation of claimants when they sign on the Live Register.