South Africa Government

09/20/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Minister Thembi Simelane concludes the meeting of BRICS Ministers of Justice

The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Ms Thembi Simelane, has concluded the meeting with Ministers of Justice of the BRICS countries organised by the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, the Honourable Mr. Konstantin Chuichenko. The meeting was attended by Ministers of Justice and representatives from the Federal Republic of Brazil, People's Republic of China, Arab Republic of Egypt, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Republic of India, Islamic Republic of India, the Russian Federation, Republic of South Africa and the United Arab Emirates.

This was the first and inaugural meeting of the Ministers of Justice of the BRICS countries convened to discuss international cooperation and matters of common interest within the justice family. At this historic meeting, the Ministers of Justice of the BRICS countries agreed in principle to establish a platform of engagement that will shape how they will address issues of common interest within the justice sector.

The platform of engagement agreed upon is founded on the Johannesburg II Declaration adopted at the XV BRICS summit held in South Africa in August 2023 wherein the leaders of the constitutive members of BRICS reiterated "our commitment to ensure the promotion and protection of democracy, human rights and fundamental freedom for all, and promoting co-operation based on the spirit of solidarity, mutual respect, justice and equality."

The Ministers of Justice agreed on a number of identified areas of cooperation which includes, but not limited to, strengthening the international legal basis on the provision of mutual legal assistance in civil and criminal cases; simplifying the recognition and enforcement of judicial decisions as well as transfer of convicted persons and extradition; promoting the introduction of technological solutions in the area of digitilization of justice services; sharing experiences in the development of a system to provide legal services and legal aid to their respective populations; and continuing to work towards a concept of establishing the BRICS International Investment Arbitration Centre.

Additionally, on the side-lines of this meeting, Minister Simelane held bilateral meetings with the Ministers of Justice of Russian Federation, United Arab Emirates and Islamic Republic of Iran. During the bilateral meeting with the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, a number of bilateral agreements within the justice sector, including a programme of cooperation between the two nations for the next few years, are under consideration and shall be concluded in due course.

During her bilateral meeting with the Minister of Justice of the United Arab Emirates, Minister Simelane received an update on South Africa's request for the extradition of the Gupta brothers from the United Arab Emirates. The Minister of Justice of the United Arab Emirates assured Minister Simelane of his unwavering commitment to assist with the extradition request and invited the Minister to channel her requests to his office for assistance. Minister Simelane will be having further engagements with the Minister so as to ensure that all the blockages are cleared and bring this long outstanding matter to finality.

At the bilateral with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Minister of Justice of the Islamic Republic of Iran commended and congratulated South Africa for the legal action taken against Israel at the International Court of Justice in pursuance for justice for the people of Palestine. He expressed his country's support for the action taken by South Africa while the entire world watched the atrocities committed by Israel on the indefensible people of Palestine. He urged South Africa to continue her efforts to force Israel to cease with its genocidal acts against the people of Palestine. Minister Simelane appreciated the message of support and undertook to deliver same to the President of the Republic of South Africa.

Mr. Tsekiso Machike
Spokesperson: Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Development
078 237 3900