KIWOOM Securities Co. Ltd.

07/31/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/30/2024 17:08

Report on Business Performance according to Consolidated Financial Statements (Fair Disclosure)

Report on Business Performance according to Consolidated Financial Statements (Fair Disclosure)
※ The following are interim figures, and may be different from final data.
1. Details of business performance in KRW mn, %
Category Current term Previous term Changes over previous term(%) Same term of last year Changes over same term of last year (%)
(24.04.01~24.06.30 ) (24.01.01~24.03.31 ) (23.04.01~23.06.30 )
Sales Current 2,280,528 2,643,342 -13.73 2,221,799 2.64
Cumulative 4,923,869 2,643,342 - 5,298,542 -7.07
Operating income Current 312,328 337,678 -7.51 180,870 72.68
Cumulative 650,007 337,678 - 569,748 14.09
Net income from continuing operation before income tax Current 306,171 337,873 -9.38 175,988 73.97
Cumulative 644,044 337,873 - 571,821 12.63
Net income Current 232,144 244,830 -5.18 133,408 74.01
Cumulative 476,974 244,830 - 425,857 12.00
Net income attributable to shareholders of parent company Current 231,699 245,489 -5.62 133,312 73.80
Cumulative 477,188 245,489 - 424,827 12.33
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2. Details of information release Information provider 전략기획부문 경영기획팀
Information recipients 국내외 기관투자자, 애널리스트 및 개인 투자자
Date & time of information release 2024년 07월 31일
Title and place of event held 홈페이지( 게시 및 국내외 기관투자자, 애널리스트 대상 e-mail 발송
3. Contact points (department/phone number) 경영기획팀(02-3787-5236)
4. Other matters to be factored into investment decisions
1) 상기 실적은 한국채택국제회계기준(K-IFRS)를 적용한 연결재무제표 기준입니다.

2) 별도재무제표기준 당기(잠정) 실적 (2024.04.01 ~ 2024.06.30)

-매출액 :2,004,661백만원
-영업이익 :265,215백만원
-법인세비용차감전순이익 :273,996백만원
-당기순이익 :206,688백만원

-자산총계 :42,207,242백만원
-부채총계 :37,572,459백만원
-자본총계 :4,634,783백만원

3) 상기 자료는 외부감사인의 검토결과에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다
※ Related disclosure -