ANERA - American Near East Refugee Aid

10/11/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/11/2024 14:45

Steps for Delivering Aid to Gaza

Anera's staff in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza work hard every day to coordinate the movement of aid into Gaza. They have been able to bring into Gaza 1,78 trucks, and counting, since the beginning of the war in October 2023. With those shipments, the team has facilitated distributions of 42 million meals, seven million medical treatments, and many other necessities for Gaza families who are suffering in terrible conditions.

At the core of our efforts is management of logistics and operations-from the initial dispatch of aid to its final distribution within Gaza. Our primary objective is to maximize the use of all available corridors, including Egypt, Jordan, Ashdod, and the West Bank, to get aid in as quickly and efficiently as possible. This involves overseeing transport, warehousing, and the distribution of aid received from various donors, all while maintaining a vigilant approach to security and operational challenges.

Aid Corridors

Anera's operations utilize several corridors through Egypt, Jordan, Israel and the West Bank for moving aid to Gaza.

Each corridor has its own set of logistical calisthenics that make aid delivery to Gaza complex. For all aid routes, however, the main challenges are:

  • Inspection Bottlenecks: Significant delays often occur at key points such as Karem Shalom/ Karem Abu Salem, Nitzana, and other inspection locations.
  • Permit and Approval Delays: Permits, from COGAT (Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories) for instance, can sometimes take a while to come through.
  • High Risks: Prolonged transit times, security challenges and chaotic loading/unloading processes heighten the risk of commodity loss.

Israel Route: Ashdod Port or Ben Gurion Airport

  1. Document Preparation: Collect necessary documents: donation letters, non-commercial invoices, packing lists, and bill of lading.
  2. Initial Approval: Submit documents to COGAT and fill out the required COGAT form for initial approval.
  3. Customs Clearance: After initial approval, send documents to customs. Be ready to provide additional documents if requested.
  4. Final Approval & Permit Issuance: Obtain final approval and a donation number from COGAT, then receive the final shipping permit.
  5. Logistics Coordination: Once the permit is secured, inform the donor to ship the goods and coordinate the internal logistics.
  6. Inspection at Ashdod or Ben Gurion: Coordinate inspections at the port or airport before the goods proceed to Gaza, getting clearance for it to move.
  7. Dispatch Approval: Inform COGAT about the clearance and get approval to dispatch, including driver details and the entry point.
  8. Transfer to Gaza: Coordinate with the transportation company, COGAT, and CLA to transfer goods to Gaza through Erez or Kerem Shalom crossings.
Coordination with COGAT for International Organizations
Submission and Approval Process
>>Advance Coordination:
Tentative approval should be obtained one week in advance for all routes.
>>Submission Deadline: Forms must be submitted at least 48 hours before 10:00 a.m.
>>Required details include the type of goods, number of trucks, origin location, and crossing destination.
>>Ensure equipment is not classified as dual-use, or secure necessary COGAT approvals if it is.

West Bank Route

  • Collect Necessary Documents: Donation letters, non-commercial invoices, packing lists, etc.
  • Coordinate with Relevant Parties:
    • Engage with the transportation company to arrange for trucks to pick up the goods.
    • Contact COGAT to obtain the necessary crossing permits.
    • Coordinate with the Civil Liaison Authority (CLA) for processing approvals to transfer goods through Erez or Kerem Shalom.
  • Initial Transport and Coordination (Day 1):
    • Arrange for the goods to depart from the West Bank, typically passing through Tarqumia or Tulkarem checkpoints.
    • Overnight Stay in Jerusalem: After crossing West Bank checkpoints, the trucks will usually stay overnight in Jerusalem or nearby, ensuring early arrival at Kerem Shalom early the next day for inspection.
  • Final Crossing and Security Check (Day 2):
    • Continue the journey to Kerem Shalom or Erez crossing.
    • Goods undergo security checks at KS before crossing into Gaza.

Jordan Route

  1. Transport and Convoy Coordination: Submit service request form for each origin and destination with detailed packing lists and necessary documents.
  2. Transport Services: Ensure cargo is palletized, labeled, and meets logistics standards.
  3. Customs Clearance: The Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO) handles customs clearance for all organizations involved in the Gaza response.
  4. UN Monitoring Mechanism: All cargo must obtain clearance through the UN 2720 monitoring mechanism before transport.
  5. Route; Cargo is transported directly from Amman to Erez, with coordination required for arrival timing.

Egypt Route

Steps for Egyptian Corridor Shipments

Advance notice, document submission, and close coordination with the Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC) are essential across airports, seaports, and land ports, involving customs clearance, special handling, and secure transportation logistics.

  1. Notification
    • Notify ERC of the shipment 15 days in advance.
  2. Pre-Arrival Form
    • Submit detailed shipment specifics 48 hours before arrival at ERC warehouse.
  3. Final Steps
    • After inspection at the ERC warehouse, coordinate the timeline for entry into Gaza through Kerem Shalom, depending on shipment type and volume.

Sending aid through the Egypt corridor is still possible, but it's become increasingly challenging, especially when managing cargo after offloading at Kerem Shalom. It had been the case that the World Food Program (WFP) supported agencies by picking up and transporting cargo. However, due to increased looting incidents on the Gaza side of the crossing, these operations have been suspended, complicating the delivery process.

To address the problem, WFP can request clearance for 30 trucks to use the "fence road," a route that serves as a temporary alternative to help clear the backlog of shipments waiting in Al Arish, Egypt. These 30-truck convoys are scheduled three to four times a week, depending on security conditions. This option is intended to streamline the movement of aid while mitigating the risks posed by the current security situation in Gaza. (Each organization is responsible for managing its own COGAT clearance.)

Inside Gaza

Upon entry into Gaza, Anera, in coordination with UNOCHA, COGAT, CLA, and WFP, oversees the movement of aid materials. This includes organizing safety escorts and managing the complex logistical process required to deliver aid safely and efficiently. Our field monitors and security personnel work closely with logistics partners to ensure that aid reaches distribution points and IDP camps across Gaza with minimal delays.

Receiving Trucks: Upon entry into Gaza, trucks loaded with aid are managed by logistics partners. These trucks are offloaded into distribution centers, where we inventory and track all received items. Security concerns may occasionally prevent loads from reaching their intended distribution centers.

Warehousing and Distribution: Anera then systematically distributes the aid across various locations within Gaza. In some instances, goods may be transferred between distribution centers or repackaged before final distribution.

Response to Security Incidents: Given the unpredictable nature of the situation, our operations include contingency plans for last-minute cancellations or security incidents. Aid materials are prioritized for distribution within 24-48 hours of arrival to mitigate losses and ensure timely support for those in need.

Monitoring and Reporting: Anera maintains a robust monitoring and reporting system, ensuring transparency and accountability at every stage of the aid delivery process.