James Lankford

09/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 17:29

Lankford Objects to Democrats’ Partisan Push to Extreme Advance Extreme Abortion Agenda, Jeopardizing Health Care for Women

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WASHINGTON, DC - Senator James Lankford (R-OK), chair of the Senate Values Action Team, went to the Senate floor to object to Senate Democrats' attempts to force a vote on their extreme abortion agenda.

He objected to a resolution falsely stating the Senate believes women lack access to life saving care, and that doctors face criminal prosecution for caring for their patients. During a Senate FinanceCommittee hearing today, he called out Democrats' fearmongering on abortion and warned that it may discourage women from receiving health care.


Lankford Challenges Fearmongering Rhetoric: This resolution itself, and the wording that it has in this resolution, says it's sense of the Senate that every person has the basic right to emergency health care, including abortion care. I'm going to be very, very specific on this. We had a hearing today in the Finance Committee where this same subject was addressed. We had OBGYNs from both perspectives on this, those that perform abortions and those that have a moral objection to it. We had a very good argument to be able to lay some facts out, to be able to walk through this with two sets of attorneys that were there to be able to walk through the law. Here's what became very clear during that conversation in this morning in that open hearing.

There is no state in America in which a woman faces persecution or prosecution for having an abortion. No state criminalizes miscarriage. No state criminalizes removing an ectopic pregnancy. No state prohibits life saving care for the mother. No state requires a woman to be actively dying in order for her doctor to care for her. We heard story after story about doctors being concerned that they may face this because they're hearing political rhetoric-political rhetoric like Vice President Harris in a speech that she said recently where she said, 'Women were being arrested and facing prosecution for experiencing miscarriages.' That is not true.

So all of this rhetoric that is being put out there is making doctors afraid, but it was very clear from the conversation in law that none of those things are actually true. Every physician, prior to the Dobbs decision, when there were limitations on abortion across the country, and post Dobbs decision when every single state is making those decisions, allowed physicians in an E.R. to be able to make lifesaving decisions for the mother and the child. Every doctor has already the ability to be able to make that decision, to be able to protect the life of the mother. They have the protections to be able to do that. So this is a false claim that somehow that what happened in the Dobbs decision and what's happening in states is limiting, that it's actually the political rhetoric that's making people afraid.

Democrats' Abortion-On-Demand Obsession Endangers Women: What also came out during the hearing this morning was the very real risk of chemical abortions. That we've recently had tragic situations where women use the chemical abortion pills that they're being told are 'as safe as Tylenol,' and then it has life threatening and in some cases, recently, life taking consequences. Chemical abortion pills are not Tylenol, yet they're being sold as that. And what we're seeing is more and more cases of the diminishing of 'This is no big deal to be able to end this pregnancy' when they haven't seen a doctor, because the Biden Administration is now saying 'You don't have to see a physician' so the woman doesn't know if she has an ectopic pregnancy or not. If she takes the chemical abortion pill while she has an ectopic pregnancy, she is at risk.

But the Biden Administration is saying 'You don't have to go see a doctor. They can just mail it to you. It's just as safe as a Tylenol.' When it's not. They're also not being tested for their blood type to be able to make sure this doesn't affect future pregnancies during this chemical abortion. And they're not also determining by a sonogram how far along the mom is in this process, because there are limitations to this where it becomes more and more dangerous.

All those things are restrictions that used to be there, that the Biden Administration has taken away to say, 'No, we want more people to have access to chemical abortions,' but it's making it more dangerous for women. And we have seen that recently. So we want to engage in a conversation about how can we actually put some of those basic, humane, doctor-requested restrictionsin there to make sure that we're protecting the lives of all those women. That's a better conversation for us to be able to have.
