Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Worship of the Argentine Republic

09/25/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2024 13:56

At the un, Mondino called for an international system that guarantees peace, fair trade and economic development

Foreign Minister Diana Mondino continued her diplomatic agenda on the sidelines of the General Debate of the 79th United Nations General Assembly, which included her participation in the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting, bilateral meetings with authorities of the Ibero-American General Secretariat and her counterparts from Uganda and Estonia, as well as a high-level event on Haiti.

At the beginning of the day, Mondino, joined by the Argentine Sherpa, Federico Pinedo, participated in the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting with her counterparts and high authorities of the group's member states. She explained that "we are discussing about international organizations to be sure that the system has the right levers to guarantee peace, favour non-discriminatory trade and finance development."

"We believe that it is really important that the power of veto should not be used in certain specific situations, such as wars, crimes or atrocities. While we discuss the number of participants and who they should be, a very important issue is being overlooked. If there are too many participants at the Security Council with veto power, then it will be extremely difficult to reach an agreement," she expressed.

Regarding global trade, Mondino stated that: "It is not fair to punish countries if there is deforestation, while at the same time reforestation made in other parts of the same country is not being considered. Carbon capture is what really counts. This provides food of the highest quality at a really low cost. If countries are really concerned about food security, then this concept should be considered in each and every one of the decisions."

"There should be incentives to do the right thing. That would also benefit clients from other countries. When we mention a rules-based system, we should not consider the WTO in particular, which I hope to be very proactive. The fact that a few countries, or even only one country, have a contrary opinion should not prevent the rest of the world from adopting the right measures," Mondino considered before concluding that "trade guarantees peace, freedom guarantees trade, and equality before the law guarantees freedom."

Later, Mondino held a working meeting with the Secretary General of the Ibero-American General Secretariat,Andrés Allamand, right before the Ibero-American Foreign Ministers' Breakfast to be held the following day at the United Nations headquarters.

The Ibero-American Secretary General highlighted the significant role of Argentina in the Ibero-American context and renewed the desire for Argentina's participation at the Summit to be held in Cuenca, Ecuador, on 14 and 15 October.

They both discussed the expectations on the outcome of the Summit and preparatory work progress. Mondino conveyed Allamand the hope that the next Ibero-American Summit may enable advancing basic consensus in the field of elections and civic rights exercise in the region. In addition, she reiterated Argentina's firm willingness to keep enhancing the Ibero-American area, in which Argentina participates actively.

The Argentine Foreign Minister also participated in a High-Level Meeting on the security situation in Haiti, together with the group of countries that support the security mission promoted by the United States and other countries, led by Kenya. At the meeting, Argentina reaffirmed that it is "decidedly committed and that is why we will contribute to these efforts to the extent of our possibilities and with the resources available, honouring a tradition of commitment to Haiti dating back to 1994."

She further stated that "Argentina is following with attention and concern the situation in Haiti and supports the search for solutions that enable the Haitian government and people to solve the political, economic and social crisis they currently face. We encourage the acting Prime Minister, Garry Conille, and the Haitian political and social forces to advance the necessary agreements in order to hold clean and transparent national elections as soon as possible."

In addition, she stressed that our country is "committed to the success of the Multinational Security Support Mission (MSS) approved last October and we are making the necessary arrangements to participate in it." As an example of Argentina's permanent and historical cooperation with Haiti, Mondino explained that "together with the World Food Programme (WFP), we are now designing a new phase of the Pro Huerta Project, now aimed at school orchards."

Mondino later held a working meeting with her counterpart from Estonia, Margus Tsahkna, where they both agreed that this is an excellent moment to deepen the bilateral relationship and take advantage of the multiple coincidences between Argentina and Estonia. They discussed topics on the bilateral political agenda and regional issues, which are the subject of exchanges in Buenos Aires at a new meeting of political consultations between the two countries at the level of Deputy Foreign Ministers.

The two Foreign Ministers agreed that, while bilateral trade between Argentina and Estonia is low, both economies have a considerable potential for expanding and diversifying trade links, through the exchange of manufactured and agri-industrial goods and through collaboration in the development of new technologies.

Lastly, also at the United Nations headquarters, the Argentine Foreign Minister met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uganda, Gen Odongo Jeje Abubakher. She discussed Argentina's interest in deepening the bilateral and trade relationship between the two nations.

"Argentina has a broad and consolidated experience in agricultural and livestock production. We could explore new opportunities to promote the development of these activities in Uganda, supply machinery and equipment from Argentina and progressively transfer our knowledge, also including on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy," Mondino held.

It should be noted that yesterday, after the statement made by President Javier Milei before the General Assembly of the United Nations, Minister Mondino joined the President in his bilateral meetings with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the President of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa. Furthermore, the Minister had held a working meeting on Tuesday afternoon with her Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi.