AFL-CIO - American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations

09/24/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Letter Supporting Legislation that Would Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Create Jobs

September 24, 2024

Dear Representative:

On behalf of the 12.5 million workers and 60 affiliate unions represented by the AFL-CIO, I urge you to co-sponsor the Federal Mechanical Insulation Act, H.R. 4663, which was introduced by Representatives Randy Weber (R-TX) and Linda Sánchez (D-CA). This bill amends current law to mandate energy audits of federal buildings to include mechanical insulation as part of the energy and water saving measures. This bill has bipartisan support in the House Commerce and Energy Committee as well as strong support from industry and organized labor.

If passed, this bill would do two things. First, it would expand the definition of "energy and water evaluations" in the National Energy Conservation Policy Act to include identification of energy- and water-saving measures (including installation of mechanical insulation property, if applicable). Second, it would define "mechanical insulation property" as materials, facings, and accessory products that are part of a mechanical system and that reduce energy loss from that mechanical system-thereby allowing for the inclusion of these items as qualifying energy and water efficiency measures.

The impact of these changes would be a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions while putting Americans to work. The U.S. Department of Energy's Save Energy Now program has estimated that increased maintenance of mechanical insulation in areas where it is missing or damaged could promote American manufacturing, as 95% of materials required for these opportunities are made in the United States, with most of the remainder produced in Canada. In turn, the utilization of mechanical insulation would realize significant energy efficiencies and create high-quality, skilled union jobs across the country.

The AFL-CIO urges you to become a cosponsor of the Federal Mechanical Insulation Act. Please contact [email protected] to become a cosponsor.

Jody Calemine
Director, Government Affairs