Delegation of the European Union to Egypt

23/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 24/07/2024 00:35

EU Statement – UN ECOSOC Management Segment: Applications of NGOs

23 July 2024, New York - European Union Statement at the Economic and Social Council Management Segment on the Applications of NGOs for consultative status with ECOSOC (Item 17)

I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union and its Member States.

The Candidate Countries North Macedonia*, Montenegro*, Albania*, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina*and align themselves with this statement.

The European Union reiterates its position that Non-Governmental Organisations play a key role in promoting multilateralism and supporting the decisions taken throughout the UN system. Civil society contributes to the protection and advancement of human rights, sheds light on challenges and holds all of us accountable to our international obligations and commitments. NGOs therefore often serve as eyes and ears on the ground and contribute to more substantive and evidence-based discussions.

NGOs also make an important contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, working in many parts of the world to eradicate poverty, to provide health care to those most in need and to help build strong institutions.

The EU considers these contributions essential and is therefore a staunch supporter of the meaningful free and open participation of civil society in and outside the UN.

The European Union wishes to underline that the NGO Committee bears a high responsibility for the credibility of the UN, since it has a key role as recommendations of this Committee directly influence the participation of NGOs in the UN System and, in turn, shape the relations between the UN and civil society.

The European Union firmly believes that the NGO Committee must be guided by the sole consideration of the general interest when reviewing applications.The provisions and spirit of Resolution 1996/31 must be respected.

We also acknowledge that ECOSOC has the final decision-making authority on granting consultative status and that it has exercised it previously. In this logic, the EU took note of last year's decision by ECOSOC to grant special consultative status to a number of NGOs, changing by a vote the recommendation provided by the NGO Committee.

The EU reiterates that a reform of the NGO Committee is overdue. It should allow for a more inclusive, effective, fair and transparent functioning of the Committee, including through limitations to unjustified deferrals and finding effective solutions to all challenges related to the work of the NGO Committee.

We therefore welcome the decision adopted on improving the work of the NGO Committee, including the reconfirmation of the annual consultations with NGOs by the Committee and the request to the Secretary General to increase his support to the NGO Section of the Secretariat in order to fulfil the Committee's mandate as set out in ECOSOC resolution 1996/31.

We also welcome that the Committee will resume its work within the informal working group to consider further options to improve its methods of work, including the possibility for hybrid participation for NGOs in the Q&A session, which would facilitate participation of more NGOs from all regions . We look forward to the recommendations of the Committee in this regard to the ECOSOC Management Segment for considerations, preferably in 2025. We encourage the informal working group to consult widely with civil society and Member States in order to identify recommendations for meaningful reform of the NGO Committee.

Thank you.

*North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.